jQWidgets Custom AngularJS Directives

AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework, maintained by Google, whose goal is to augment web-based applications with model–view–controller (MVC) capability, in order to make both development and testing easier.
In this tutorial you will learn the basics of using jQWidgets with AngularJS. We will showcase several examples, which demonstrate how the widgets can benefit from Angular's directives and two-way data binding approach.
Get AngularJS
You can download AngularJS from It is recommended, however, that you include a reference to the
Google CDN-hosted file instead. Here is a link to the current (at the time of writing)
version of the framework:
Example #1: jqxInput with Two-way Data Binding
Our first example shows two jqxInput instances which are used to change the text of a welcome message. You can check out the example angularjs-jquery-input.htm. Here are the key points of integrating jqxInput with AngularJS:
1. The ng-app
In AngularJS, directives are custom HTML attributes enabling specific Angular functionalities.
To define an AngularJS application, add the ng-app
directive to an
element. If you add it to html
, Angular will be available in the whole
<html xmlns="" ng-app="demoApp">
We define the Angular app in our custom script as follows:
var demoApp = angular.module("demoApp", []);
2. The Controller
The controller is the part of an Angular application which allows the view to update the model and vice versa (two-way data binding). Here is the controller of this example:
demoApp.controller("labelController", function ($scope) {$scope.firstName = "Matt";$scope.lastName = "Smith";});
The $scope
of the controller holds all variables and functions of the
model. In our case, we have firstName
and lastName
The controlled part of the page (this is usually the body
) has to have
the ng-controller
directive pointing to the controller:
<body ng-controller="labelController">
3. The View
Here is the view (HTML) of our example:
<body ng-controller="labelController"><div><p>First name:<input id="firstName" value="{{firstName}}" ng-model="firstName" /></p><p>Last name:<input id="lastName" value="{{lastName}}" ng-model="lastName" /></p><h2>Welcome, {{firstName}} {{lastName}}!</h2></div></body>
The directive ng-model
denotes that when you type in the inputs, the
variables firstName
and lastName
updated with the respective input's value. The double curly brace notation {{
to bind expressions to elements is built-in Angular markup. They are
replaced with the value of the $scope
variable inside. In the example,
they are used to sync the displayed value of the inputs with the value of firstName
and lastName
4. jqxInput Initialization
We initialize the jqxInput instances, as usual, on $(document).ready()
$(document).ready(function () {An alternative way is to define a custom Angular directive, as shown in the tutorial jQWidgets AngularJS Directives.$("#firstName, #lastName").jqxInput({ theme: "darkblue", width: 200, height: 25 });});
Example #2: Loading jqxDataTable from an Angular-bound Table
In this and the next two examples, we will discuss only the points that were not covered in the overview of Example #1.
The second example shows a data table that has been loaded from an HTML table, which is bound to an array in the controller's scope. You can view the example angularjs-jquery-datatable.htm. And here is the code of the AngularJS controller:
demoApp.controller("peopleController", function ($scope) {$scope.people = [{id: 1,name: "Pedro",age: 13}, {id: 2,name: "Clara",age: 22}, {id: 3,name: "John",age: 33}, {id: 4,name: "Pier",age: 27}];});
There is only one $scope
variable - people
, which is an
array of objects.
The essential part of the example is the view, which contains a table bound to the
array through the ng-repeat
directive, which creates
a row for each item (which we call person
in the directive) in the
<body ng-controller="peopleController"><table id="dataTable"><thead><tr><th>Id</th><th>Name</th><th>Age</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr ng-repeat="person in people"><td>{{}}</td><td>{{}}</td><td>{{person.age}}</td></tr></tbody></table></body>
The data table is finally initialized in $(document).ready()
from the
now-populated HTML table:
$(document).ready(function () {$("#dataTable").jqxDataTable({theme: "darkblue",altrows: true,sortable: true,columns: [{ text: 'Id', dataField: 'Id', width: 50 },{ text: 'Name', dataField: 'Name', width: 100 },{ text: 'Age', dataField: 'Age', width: 50 }]});});

Example #3: Model Manipulation with jqxScrollBar
Example #3 shows how to manipulate a variable from the AngularJS model
through jqxScrollBar. The example can be found angularjs-jquery-scrollbar.htm. The Angular controller of this example has only one
variable - value
demoApp.controller("scrollbarController", function ($scope) {$scope.value = 500;});
The view updates whenever value
is updated:
<body ng-controller="scrollbarController"><div><div id='jqxScrollBar'></div><h2>Value: <span>{{value}}</span></h2></div></body>
The key here is the code in $(document).ready()
$(document).ready(function () {var scope = angular.element($("body")).scope();$("#jqxScrollBar").jqxScrollBar({ theme: "darkblue", width: 250, height: 18, value: scope.value });$("#jqxScrollBar").bind('valuechanged', function (event) {scope.$apply(function () {scope.value = parseInt(event.currentValue);});});});
First, we get the scope of our Angular application. Then we initialize the scrollbar
and bind to its valuechanged
event - each time the scrollbar's value
is changed, the scope value
is updated accordingly via the scope.$apply
method. This, in turn, updates the view.

Example #4: Add/Remove Items to a jqxDropDownList
In the final example of this tutorial, we will show you how to add and remove items to a jqxDropDownList instance. The dropdown list is bound to an array of items, which is part of the scope (model). There is an input in which the user can enter a new item and two buttons - Add and Remove selected. Click angularjs-jquery-dropdownlist.htm to view the example now.

The input is bound to the scope variable newItem
. When you click Add, the scope function addItem
is invoked thanks to the
directive and the item is added to the items
array. The dropdown list is updated, too. Clicking Remove selected
removes the selected item from items
and updates the dropdown list
(this is also done through ng-click
). Here is the releavant part of
the code:
<script type="text/javascript">var demoApp = angular.module("demoApp", []);demoApp.controller("itemsController", function ($scope) {$scope.items = ["Bread", "Milk", "Sugar", "Salt", "Honey", "Orange juice", "Mellon", "Potatoes"];$scope.newItem;$scope.addItem = function () {if ($scope.newItem.length > 0) {$scope.items.push($scope.newItem);$("#jqxDropDownList").jqxDropDownList({ source: $scope.items });$scope.newItem = "";};};$scope.removeItem = function () {var itemToRemove = $("#jqxDropDownList").jqxDropDownList("val");var i = $scope.items.indexOf(itemToRemove);if (i != -1) {$scope.items.splice(i, 1);$("#jqxDropDownList").jqxDropDownList({ source: $scope.items, selectedIndex: -1 });};};});$(document).ready(function () {var scope = angular.element($("body")).scope();$("#jqxDropDownList").jqxDropDownList({ theme: "darkblue", source: scope.items, autoDropDownHeight: true, height: 25, width: 200 });$("#newItemInput").jqxInput({ theme: "darkblue", height: 22 });$("#addButton, #removeButton").jqxButton({ theme: "darkblue" });});</script></head><body ng-controller="itemsController"><div id="jqxDropDownList"></div><div style="margin-top: 10px;">New item:<input id="newItemInput" ng-model="newItem" value="{{newItem}}" /><button id="addButton" ng-click="addItem()">Add</button><button id="removeButton" ng-click="removeItem()">Remove selected</button></div></body>
That concludes our overview of some basic AngularJS data-binding examples featuring jQWidgets.
Below, we will show you how to use custom AngularJS directives to initialize and update jQWidgets controls.
Directives are markers on a DOM element (such as an attribute, element name, or
CSS class) that tell AngularJS's HTML compiler to attach a specified behavior to
that DOM element or even transform the DOM element and its children. Angular comes
with a set of these directives built-in, like ngBind
, ngModel
and ngView
. Derective names can be written in three equally correct
ways, e.g. ngModel
, ng-model
and data-ng-model
Much like you create controllers and services, you can create your own directives
for Angular to use. When Angular bootstraps your application, the HTML compiler
traverses the DOM matching directives against the DOM elements. You can learn more
about directives in Angular's Developer Guide:
In our guide we will showcase several different approaches of using custom directives to initialize widgets and update their properties.
Example #1: Initialize and Update jqxScrollBar through a Custom "Settings" Directive
The first example we will discuss features jqxScrollBar. To try it out, please visit: angularjs-jquery-scrollbar.htm. Here are the key points of the example:
1. The Angular App References the Directive
The custom directive, which we have placed in an external file, has to be referenced in the Angular app definition like so:
var demoApp = angular.module("demoApp", ["ngJqxsettings"]);
A reference to the file ngjqxsettings.js
has to be added to the page,
<script type="text/javascript" src="ngjqxsettings.js"></script>
2. Controller
We have a controller with three scope variables - theme
, width
and value
- which we will use to set the properties of the jqxScrollBar.
demoApp.controller('initController', function ($scope) {$scope.theme = "energyblue";$scope.width = 500;$scope.value = 333;});
3. View
The view consists of the div used for initialization of the jqxScrollbar and several
controls for changing its properties. These are bound to the model via the standard
Angular directive ng-model
<body ng-controller="initController"><div id="jqxScrollBar" ng-jqwidgets="jqxScrollBar" ng-jqxsettings="{ theme: theme, width: width, height: 18, value: value}"></div><p>Change the scrollbar's width:<br /><input type="text" value="{{width}}" ng-model="width" /></p><p>Change the scrollbar's value:<br /><input type="text" value="{{value}}" ng-model="value" /></p><p>Change the scrollbar's theme:<br /><select ng-model="theme"><option>arctic</option><option>energyblue</option><option>darkblue</option><option>orange</option><option>ui-le-frog</option></select></p></body>
The essential part here is our custom directive, ng-jqxsettings,
which is applied in the form of an attribute to the jqxScrollBar div. The value
of the attribute is an object with the settings we would like to initialize the
widget with. Some of these are set explicitly (such as height: 18
and some refer to variables in the Angular controller (value: value
Our directive looks to the custom attribute ng-jqwidgets to determine
which particular widget should be initialized with the given settings. Note that
to initialize another type of widget, you will also need a reference to its script
in the page.
4. The Custom Directive
Now lets go "behind the scenes" and see how the ng-jqxsettings
directive actually works. As already mentioned, the directive is found in the file
Here is its source code:
angular.module("ngJqxsettings", []).directive('ngJqxsettings', function ($interval, dateFilter) {function link(scope, element, attrs) {var isInitialized = false;var widget = attrs.ngJqwidgets; // (1)var propertyToScopeArray = propertyToScope(attrs.ngJqxsettings); // (2)for (var p = 0; p < propertyToScopeArray.length; p++) {var property = propertyToScopeArray[p].scopeVar;eval("var " + property + " = scope." + property + ";"); // (3)// watches for changes in the $scope variables and updates the widget accordingly (4)scope.$watch(property, function (newValue, oldValue) {if (isInitialized == true && newValue != oldValue) {var setting = this.exp;eval(setting + " = scope." + setting);var updatedProperty;for (var i = 0; i < propertyToScopeArray.length; i++) {if (setting == propertyToScopeArray[i].scopeVar) {updatedProperty = eval("({ " + propertyToScopeArray[i].jqwidgetsProperty + ": " + setting + " })");break;};};if (updatedProperty != undefined) {$(element[0])[widget](updatedProperty);};};});};// initializes the widgetvar settings = eval("(" + attrs.ngJqxsettings + ")"); // (5)$(document).ready(function () {$(element[0])[widget](settings); // (6)isInitialized = true;});};return {link: link};});// extracts the key-value pairs from the settings stringvar propertyToScope = function (settingsString) {var newString = settingsString.slice(1, settingsString.length - 1);newString = newString.trim();var keyValueArray = newString.split(",");var keyValueObjects = new Array();for (var i = 0; i < keyValueArray.length; i++) {var tempString = keyValueArray[i].trim();var tempArray = tempString.split(":");var scopeVar = tempArray[1].trim();if (isNaN(scopeVar) == true && scopeVar != "true" && scopeVar != "false" && scopeVar[0] != "\"" && scopeVar[0] != "\'") {keyValueObjects.push({ jqwidgetsProperty: tempArray[0].trim(), scopeVar: tempArray[1].trim() });};};return keyValueObjects;};
Each Angular directive should return an object with a link
function, implementing the required functionality. Other properties can be added
to the returned object, too, but we will focus solely on link
First, we get the name of the widget to initialize from the ng-jqwidgets
attribute (1). The next step is to convert the settings string that was passed to
the directive into an array of key-value pairs we can better work with. This is
done by the function propertyToScope
(2). The call of eval
that follows (3) is needed so that we have local variables with the values of the
ones from the scope. This means that when we eval
the settings string
(5) to pass it to the widget as an object, theme
, width
and value
will not be undefined but will be equal to their
scope counterparts.
We bind to scope.$watch
to update the properties of the widget whenever
the values of their respective scope variables change (4). For example, if we change
the theme from the select to "orange", the scope.$watch
function will update the scrollbar's theme accordingly.
In $(document).ready()
, the widget is initialized with the settings
provided in the directive (6). Note that the ng-jqxsettings directive
is not widget-specific and can
be used to initialize all types of jQWidgets controls. In the next example, a jqxButton
is initialized with it.

Example #2: Initialize and Reload jqxGrid through a Custom Directive
In the second example (angularjs-jquery-grid.htm), we will showcase a jqxGrid-specific custom directive which allows initialization and reload of the widget. The button which reloads the grid is initialized with the ng-settings directive, which we discussed in Example #1. That is why we will only make an overview of the custom grid directive. We have called it ng-jqxgrid and it is applied as an attribute to the grid initialization div in the View:
<body ng-controller="initController"><div id="jqxGrid" ng-jqxgrid="{ theme: theme, source: dataAdapter, width: gridWidth, disabled: disabled, autoheight: true,editable: true,selectionmode: 'singlecell',columns: columns }"></div><br /><div id="jqxButton" ng-jqwidgets="jqxButton" ng-jqxsettings="{ theme: theme, width: buttonWidth, height: 20 }"ng-click="reloadGrid()"><img style='position: relative; margin-top: 2px;' src="../../images/refresh.png" /><spanstyle='margin-left: 4px; position: relative; top: -3px;'>Reload grid</span></div></body>
We pass an object with the desired grid settings to the directive. Some properties
have static values (e.g. selectionmode
) and some (e.g. columns
refer to variables from the Angular scope. And here is the Angular controller of
the page:
demoApp.controller('initController', function ($scope) {$scope.theme = "energyblue";$ = generatedata(12);$scope.source ={localdata: $,datafields:[{ name: 'productname', type: 'string' },{ name: 'quantity', type: 'number' },{ name: 'price', type: 'number' }],datatype: "array"};$scope.dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter($scope.source);$scope.gridWidth = 500;$scope.disabled = false;$scope.columns = [{ text: 'Product Name', dataField: 'productname', width: 200 },{ text: 'Quantity', dataField: 'quantity', width: 150, cellsformat: 'c2', cellsalign: 'right' },{ text: 'Price', dataField: 'price', width: 150, cellsformat: 'c2', cellsalign: 'right' }];$scope.buttonWidth = 100;$scope.reloadGrid = function () {$ = generatedata(12);};});
It contains the definitions of the grid data, source and data adapter. The function
is invoked, through the directive ng-click,
when the button is clicked. It changes the value of the $
array. The change is handled in the ng-jqxgrid directive. Unlike
Example #1, here it is defined in the local script:
// jqxGrid custom directivedemoApp.directive('ngJqxgrid', function ($interval, dateFilter) {function link(scope, element, attrs) {var isInitialized = false;var propertyToScopeArray = propertyToScope(attrs.ngJqxgrid);for (var p = 0; p < propertyToScopeArray.length; p++) {var property = propertyToScopeArray[p].scopeVar;eval("var " + property + " = scope." + property + ";");};var settings = eval("(" + attrs.ngJqxgrid + ")");$(document).ready(function () {$(element[0]).jqxGrid(settings);isInitialized = true;});scope.$watch("data", function (newValue, oldValue) {if (isInitialized == true) {scope.source.localdata = newValue;scope.dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(scope.source);$(element[0]).jqxGrid({ source: scope.dataAdapter });};});};return {link: link};});
For a better efficiency, the directive utilizes the function propertyToScope
also used by the aforementioned ng-jqxsettings directive from Example
#1. It returns an array of key-value pairs from the settings string passed
to ng-jqxgrid. The grid is then initialized with the settings.
To this point, everything is similar to ng-jqxsettings. The different
part is the scope.$watch
handler. Here, the directive "watches" only
for changes of
, which happen by clicking the reload button.
When data
is changed, the grid source and data adapter are changed
in turn and applied. This results in reloading the grid.

Example #3: Initializing a Widget with a Directive for Each Property
Our third example presents a rather different approach from #1 and #2. Instead of having a single directive, containg the grid settings, here we have a separate directive (attribute) for each property we want to set. Additionally, we have a directive denoting the widget to initialize. The example, showing a jqxTabs instance, can be found here: jqwidgets-angularjs-directives.htm. This may sound like a lot of code, but, actually, we will define only the widget directive, in which we will use the values of the property directives. But, first, here is the View of our Angular page:
<body class='default' ng-controller="tabsController"><div id="jqxTabs" ng-model="selectedTab" ng-jqxtabs ng-jqxtabs-width="550px" ng-jqxtabs-height="150px"ng-jqxtabs-theme="shinyblack" ng-jqxtabs-position="bottom" ng-jqxtabs-selection-tracker="false"><ul style='margin-left: 20px;'><li>Tab 1</li><li>Tab 2</li><li>Tab 3</li><li>Tab 4</li><li>Tab 5</li></ul><div>Content 1</div><div>Content 2</div><div>Content 3</div><div>Content 4</div><div>Content 5</div></div><p>Selected Tab: <strong>{{selectedTab}}</strong></p></body>
As you can see, each property directive (such as ng-jqxtabs-width)
has the value we want to set to that particular property. The widget directive ng-jqxtabs has no value. Also note the ng-model directive, which is bound
to the scope variable selectedTab
. By default, different input types
and other form controls can be bound to scope variables through ng-model.
With our custom directive, we will also be able to extend ng-model's
functionality so that it can be applied to a widget, too.
Here is the code of ng-jqxtabs:
demoApp.directive('ngJqxtabs', function ($interval, dateFilter) {function link(scope, element, attrs) {var tab = $("#" +;var theme = attrs.ngJqxtabsTheme;var width = attrs.ngJqxtabsWidth;var height = attrs.ngJqxtabsHeight;var position = attrs.ngJqxtabsPosition;var selectionTracker = attrs.ngJqxtabsSelectionTracker == "true" ? true : false;$(document).ready(function () {tab.jqxTabs({ theme: theme, width: width, height: height, position: position, selectionTracker: selectionTracker });tab.on("selected", function (event) {scope[attrs.ngModel] = event.args.item + 1;scope.$apply();});});};return {link: link};});
All we have to do is get the values of the property attributes and use those settings
to initialize the tabs in $(document).ready()
. Finally, in the selected event binding, we update the ng-model variable
) according to the tab selection.

Additional Examples
Here are some more examples, featuring different controls from the jQWidgets library and following the approaches presented in Examles #1-3: