Getting Started
jqxTouch is a small jQuery-based plugin which detects and triggers touch events like 'swipe', 'swipe left', 'swipe right', 'tap' and 'orientationchange' on touch enabled devices.
In order to use the jqxTouch plugin, you need to include the following JavaScript files in your project.
The next step is to select an element with jQuery and use the jqxTouch to intercept touch events and provide you with feedback about the type of the event.
To set a property (option), you need to pass the property name and value(s) in the
jqxTouch's constructor.
$("#element").jqxTouch({ swipeMin: 25 });
To get a property(option), you need to pass the property name to the jqxTouch's
var swipeMin = $("#element").jqxTouch('swipeMin');
To bind to an event, you need to do the following:
$("#element").on('swiperight', function () {
// "You've swiped right"