Bind jqxGrid to SQL Database using ASP.NET MVC3 and LargeJSONResult
In this help topic, we will use a custom JsonResult Class for ASP.Net MVC to avoid MaxJsonLength Exceeded Exception. The class is called LargeJsonResult.Below is the implementation of the LargeJSONResult class:
using System;using System.Web.Script.Serialization;namespace System.Web.Mvc{ public class LargeJsonResult : JsonResult { const string JsonRequest_GetNotAllowed = "This request has been blocked because sensitive information could be disclosed to third party web sites when this is used in a GET request. To allow GET requests, set JsonRequestBehavior to AllowGet."; public LargeJsonResult() { MaxJsonLength = 1024000; RecursionLimit = 100; } public int MaxJsonLength { get; set; } public int RecursionLimit { get; set; } public override void ExecuteResult( ControllerContext context ) { if( context == null ) { throw new ArgumentNullException( "context" ); } if( JsonRequestBehavior == JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet && String.Equals( context.HttpContext.Request.HttpMethod, "GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) { throw new InvalidOperationException( JsonRequest_GetNotAllowed ); } HttpResponseBase response = context.HttpContext.Response; if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ContentType ) ) { response.ContentType = ContentType; } else { response.ContentType = "application/json"; } if( ContentEncoding != null ) { response.ContentEncoding = ContentEncoding; } if( Data != null ) { JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer() { MaxJsonLength = MaxJsonLength, RecursionLimit = RecursionLimit }; response.Write( serializer.Serialize( Data ) ); } } }}
public LargeJsonResult GetCustomers(){ var dbResult = db.Customers.ToList(); var customers = from customer in dbResult select new { customer.CompanyName, customer.ContactName, customer.ContactTitle, customer.Address, customer.City }; return new LargeJsonResult { Data = customers, JsonRequestBehavior = System.Web.Mvc.JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet };}
The last step is to create and populate the jqxGrid with data.
var source = { datatype: "json", datafields: [{ name: 'CompanyName' }, { name: 'ContactName' }, { name: 'ContactTitle' }, { name: 'Address' }, { name: 'City'} ], url: 'Customers/GetCustomers'};var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);$("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid({ source: dataAdapter, theme: 'classic', columns: [{ text: 'Company Name', datafield: 'CompanyName', width: 250 }, { text: 'Contact Name', datafield: 'ContactName', width: 150 }, { text: 'Contact Title', datafield: 'ContactTitle', width: 180 }, { text: 'Address', datafield: 'Address', width: 200 }, { text: 'City', datafield: 'City', width: 120}]});