disabled | boolean | false | |||||||||
Sets or gets whether the split layout panel is disabled. Code example:disabled is set to true
dataSource | object | false | |||||||||
Sets or gets the data source. The dataSource is an Array of JSON objects. Each object may have 'label', 'content', 'size', 'min', 'modifiers', 'position', 'id', 'type' and 'items' properties. 'label' and 'content' should be strings. 'modifiers' should be an array containing all or any of the following strings: 'resize', 'drag', 'close'. These determine how the user modify the layout panel. 'type' can be 'tabs' or ''. 'position' can be 'top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom'. 'items' expects an array of JSON objects for additional layout panels. 'size' expects string like '30%' or number like 30. 'min' expects a number which is the minimum size of the panel. Code example:
ready | function | null | |||||||||
This function is called when the SplitLayout is initialized. It is useful for one-time content initialization. Code example:ready is set to a custom function
height | number | 300 | |||||||||
Sets or gets the jqxSplitLayout's height. Code examplesSet the
Get the
width | number | 300 | |||||||||
Sets or gets the jqxSplitLayout's width. Code examplesSet the
Get the
Events |
resize | Event | ||||||||||
This event is triggered when a layout panel is resized. Code example:Bind to the resize event by type: jqxSplitLayout.
stateChange | Event | ||||||||||
This event is triggered when an item is inserted or deleted. For example when you drag and drop a tab panel into another panel or when you click the close button of a tab panel. Code example:Bind to the resize event by type: jqxSplitLayout.
Methods |
refresh | Method | ||||||||||
refreshes the layout and re-arranges the panels
Return Value None |