Name | Type | Default | |||||||||||||||
cookies | Boolean | false | |||||||||||||||
Enables or disables the cookies. If the cookies are enabled then the docking layout is going to be saved and kept every time the page is being reloaded. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: cookies is set to true
cookieOptions | Object | {} | |||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the cookie options. Code examples
Set the
Get the
disabled | Boolean | false | |||||||||||||||
Sets or gets whether the docking is disabled. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: disabled is set to true
floatingWindowOpacity | Number | 0.3 | |||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the opacity of the window which is currently dragged by the user. Code examples
Set the
Get the
height | Number/String | auto | |||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the docking's height. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: height is set to 300
keyboardNavigation | Boolean | false | |||||||||||||||
Enables or disables the jqxDocking's keyboard navigation. Code example
Set the
Get the
mode | String | default | |||||||||||||||
Sets or gets docking's mode. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: mode is set to 'docked'
orientation | String | horizontal | |||||||||||||||
Sets or gets docking's orientation. This property is setting whether the panels are going to be side by side or below each other. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: orientation is set to 'vertical'
rtl | Boolean | false | |||||||||||||||
Sets ot gets a value indicating whether widget's elements are aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: rtl is set to true
theme | String | '' | |||||||||||||||
Sets the widget's theme. jQWidgets uses a pair of css files - jqx.base.css and jqx.[theme name].css. The base stylesheet creates the styles related to the widget's layout like margin, padding, border-width, position. The second css file applies the widget's colors and backgrounds. The jqx.base.css should be included before the second CSS file. In order to set a theme, you need to do the following:
Try it: theme is set to 'energyblue'
width | Number/String | auto | |||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the docking's width. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: width is set to 300
windowsMode | Object | null | |||||||||||||||
Sets ot gets specific mode for each window. The value of the property is object with keys - window's ids and values - specific modes. Code examples
Set the
Get the
windowsOffset | Number | 5 | |||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the offset between the windows. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: windowsOffset is set to 7
Events |
dragStart | Event | ||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when the user start to drag any window. Code examples
Bind to the
dragEnd | Event | ||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when the user drop any window. Code examples
Bind to the
Methods |
addWindow | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Adding new window to the docking. This method accepts four arguments. The first one is id of the window we wish to add to the docking. The second argument is window's mode (default, docked, floating) the third argument is the panel's number and the last one is the position into the panel. The last three arguments are optional.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: adds a new window
closeWindow | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Closing specific window.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: closes a window
collapseWindow | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Collapsing a specific window.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: the first window is collapsed
destroy | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Destroys the widget.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: destroys the jqxDocking
disableWindowResize | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Disabling the resize of a specific window.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: disables a window to resize
disable | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Disabling the jqxDocking.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: disables the jqxDocking
exportLayout | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Exporting docking's layout into a JSON string.
String Code example
Invoke the
enable | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Enabling the docking
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: enables the jqxDocking
expandWindow | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Expanding a specific window.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: the first window is expanded
enableWindowResize | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Enabling the resize of a specific window which is not docked into a panel.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: enables a window to resize
focus | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Focuses the widget.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: Focuses the jqxDocking
hideAllCloseButtons | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Hiding the close buttons of all windows. Code example
Invoke the
Try it: hides all close buttons
hideAllCollapseButtons | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Hiding the collapse buttons of all windows.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: hides all collapse buttons
hideCollapseButton | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Hiding the collapse button of a specific window.
None Code example
Invoke the
hideCloseButton | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Hiding the close button of a specific window.
None Code example
Invoke the
importLayout | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Importing the docking layout from a JSON string.
None Code example
Invoke the
move | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Moving window to specific position into specific panel. This method have three parameters. The first one is id of the window we want to move, the second one is number of the panel where we want to move our window and the last one is the position into this panel.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: moves a window in the jqxDocking
pinWindow | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Pinning a specific window
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: pins a window
setWindowMode | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Setting mode to a specific window. This method accepts two arguments - window id and mode type.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: sets the window's mode
showCloseButton | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Showing the close button of a specific window.
None Code example
Invoke the
showCollapseButton | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Showing the collapse button of a specific window.
None Code example
Invoke the
setWindowPosition | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Moving window in floating mode to a specific position.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: sets the possition of the window
showAllCloseButtons | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Showing the close buttons of all windows.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: shows all close buttons
showAllCollapseButtons | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Showing the collapse buttons of all windows.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: shows all collapse buttons
unpinWindow | Method | ||||||||||||||||
Unpinning a specific window
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: unpins a window