In this help topic you will learn how to bind a jqxListBox to a MySQL database using JSP (JavaServer Pages).
Important: before proceeding, please make sure you have followed the instructions of the tutorial Configure MySQL, Eclipse and Tomcat for Use with jQWidgets.
To populate the listbox, we need a JSP file that connects to the Northwind database and retieves data from it.
Create a new JSP by right-clicking the project's WebContent
then choosing New → JSP File. Name the file select-data-simple.jsp
Import the necessary classes in the beginning of the JSP:
Finally, add a scriptlet to the JSP that does the following:
Create a new HTML page by right-clicking the project's WebContent
then choosing New → HTML File. Here is the code
of the page in our example:
Through jqxDataAdapter, the listbox is populated by the data retrieved from the
database by select-data-simple.jsp
. To run the page, right-click it
and select Run As → Run on Server. In the window
that appears, select Tomcat v8.0 Server at localhost and click