Name | Type | Default |
animationDuration | Number | 1000 |
Determines the animations duration in milliseconds. The value must be between 0 and 5000. If it is outside of this range jqxChart will reset it to the default value of 1000.
Try it: animationDuration is set to 1000
borderLineColor | String | #888888 |
Sets the chart's border color. Example:
Try it: borderLineColor is set to 'blue'
borderLineWidth | Number | 1 |
Sets the chart's border line width Example:
Try it: borderLineWidth is set to 2
backgroundColor | String | White |
Sets the chart's background color. Example:
backgroundImage | String | '' |
Sets the chart's background image. Example:
colorScheme | String | 'scheme01' |
Sets the chart's color pallete. jqxChart suppports 11 color schemes from 'scheme01' to 'scheme11'. Example:
Try it: colorScheme is set to 'scheme11'
crosshairsDashStyle | String | '2,2' |
Gets or sets the dash style of the crosshairs lines. The style is a series of numbers indicating line length followed by space length. Example:
crosshairsLineWidth | Number | 1.0 |
Gets or sets the width of the crosshairs lines. Example:
columnSeriesOverlap | Boolean | false |
Enables or disables overlapping of the column series. Example:
crosshairsColor | String | #888888 |
Gets or sets the color of the crosshairs lines. Example:
draw | Function | null |
Determines the drawing function of jqxChart. When the property is set, you can override the jqxChart's drawing. Example:
Try it: draw is set to custom function
drawBefore | Function | null |
function for custom drawing before the title and other chart elements Example:
description | String | '' |
Sets the description text of the chart. Example:
enableCrosshairs | Boolean | false |
Enables or disables the crosshairs lines. The lines are displayed in line and area series when you move over a data point. Example:
Try it: enableCrosshairs is set to true
enabled | Boolean | true |
Gets or sets whether the chart widget in enabled or disabled state. Example:
Try it: enabled is set to false
enableAnimations | Boolean | true |
Determines if the animations are enabled. When you set this property it will turn on or off the animations for all series in all seriesGroups in the chart. You can override this property for individual seriesGroups and series.
Try it: enableAnimations is set to true
enableAxisTextAnimation | Boolean | false |
Determines if the animation of the axes text is enabled. |
greyScale | Boolean | false |
Determines whether to display the chart using grey scale colors. Example:
Try it: greyScale is set to true
legendLayout | Object | null |
Sets the legend's layout. The expected object is with the following fields:
Code example
localization | object | undefined |
localization object containing culture specific properties required for formatting currencies, numbers and dates Example:
padding | Padding | { left: 5, top: 5, right: 5, bottom: 5 } |
Sets the left,top, right & bottom padding of the Chart. Example:
rtl | Boolean | false |
Sets or gets a value indicating whether the Chart's layout is mirrored. Example:Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: rtl is set to true
renderEngine | String | '' |
Determines the rendering engine used to display the chart. Possible values are 'SVG', 'VML' and 'HTML5'. When the property is not set jqxChart will automatically select an optimal rendering engine depending on the browser capabilities. Example:
Try it: renderEngine is set to 'HTML5'
seriesGroups | Object | null |
The seriesGroups property is used to describe all series displayed on the chart. jqxChart supports multiple series of different types and series grouping. Each series group may have its own Value Axis (Y-axis) which allows you to have values with different scales displayed on the same chart at the same time. It also allows you to display multiple series types together on the same chart. For example, you can display all series in one group as lines and the series in a second group as columns.
The seriesGroups is an array of objects where each object represents one group. A group may have the following properties:
source | Object | null |
Sets the chart's data source. Example:
Try it: source is set to sampleData
showBorderLine | Boolean | true |
Determines whether to display the chart's border line Example:
Try it: showBorderLine is set to false
showLegend | Boolean | false |
Determines whether to show or hide the chart series legend. Example:
Try it: showLegend is set to true
showToolTips | Boolean | true |
Enables or disables the chart tooltips. Example:
Try it: showToolTips is set to false
title | String | '' |
Sets the title of the chart. Example:
titlePadding | Padding | { left: 2, top: 2, right: 2, bottom: 2 } |
Sets the padding of the chart's title. Example:
toolTipShowDelay | Number | 500 |
Determines the tooltips show delay in milliseconds. Values may range from 0 to 10000 [ms] Example:
Try it: toolTipShowDelay is set to 1000
toolTipHideDelay | Number | 4000 |
Determines the tooltips hide delay in milliseconds. Example:
Try it: toolTipHideDelay is set to 1000
toolTipMoveDuration | Number | 300 |
Determines the time in millisecond to move the tooltip between items. Example:
toolTipFormatFunction | Function | undefined |
User defined tooltips text formatting callback function. |
valueAxis | Object | null |
valueAxis properties:
xAxis | Object | null |
Sets the Chart's xAxis. Example:
Try it: xAxis is set to a custom object
Name | Arguments | |
click | Object | |
The event is raised when the user clicks on series element. Example:
mouseover | Object | |
The event is raised when the user moves the cursor above a series element. Example:
mouseout | Object | |
The event is raised when the user moves the cursor out of a series element. Example:
refreshBegin | Object | |
The event is raised when the chart begins rendering. |
refreshEnd | Object | |
The event is raised when the chart finishes rendering. |
rangeSelectionChanged | Object | |
The event is raised after the chart's range selector position changes and after the chart ends rendering. |
rangeSelectionChanging | Object | |
The event is raised when the chart's range selector position changes and before the chart starts rendering. |
toggle | Object | |
The event is raised when a serie is toggled by a user click in the chart's legend or through an API call. |
Name | Arguments | Return Value | ||||||||||||||||||
addColorScheme | schemeName, array of colors | None | ||||||||||||||||||
Adds a new color sheme. If a scheme with the same name already exists the method will update its colors.
None Code Example
getItemsCount | groupIndex, serieIndex | Number | ||||||||||||||||||
Note: Please, include jqxchart.api.js in order to access this API function.
Number Code Example
getXAxisValue | offset, groupIndex | Number | ||||||||||||||||||
Note: Please, include jqxchart.api.js in order to access this API function.
Number Code Example
getValueAxisValue | offset, groupIndex | Number | ||||||||||||||||||
Note: Please, include jqxchart.api.js in order to access this API function.
Number Code Example
getItemCoord | groupIndex, serieIndex, itemIndex | object | ||||||||||||||||||
Note: Please, include jqxchart.api.js in order to access this API function.
Object Code Example
getXAxisRect | groupIndex | {x, y, width, height} | ||||||||||||||||||
Note: Please, include jqxchart.api.js in order to access this API function.
Object - {x, y, width, height} Code Example
getXAxisLabels | groupIndex | array | ||||||||||||||||||
Note: Please, include jqxchart.api.js in order to access this API function.
Array Code Example
getValueAxisRect | groupIndex | {x, y, width, height} | ||||||||||||||||||
Note: Please, include jqxchart.api.js in order to access this API function.
Object - {x, y, width, height} Code Example
getValueAxisLabels | groupIndex | array | ||||||||||||||||||
Note: Please, include jqxchart.api.js in order to access this API function.
Array - axis's labels Code Example
getColorScheme | schemeName | array of colors or undefined | ||||||||||||||||||
Returns the colors of a color scheme by name. If the scheme doesn't exist the method returns undefined.
Array - color scheme's colors Code Example
hideSerie | groupIndex, serieIndex, itemIndex | None | ||||||||||||||||||
Hides a chart serie. The result of calling this function is same as
None Code Example
hideToolTip | hideDelay | None | ||||||||||||||||||
Note: Please, include jqxchart.api.js in order to access this API function.
None Code Example
refresh | None | None | ||||||||||||||||||
Refreshes the content of the chart widget after a property or data update.
None Code Example
Try it: refreshes the jqxChart.
removeColorScheme | schemeName | None | ||||||||||||||||||
Removes an existing color scheme. If the scheme does not exist the method has no effect.
None Code Example
saveAsJPEG | fileName, exportServer | 'chart.jpeg', '' | ||||||||||||||||||
Exports the chart's content as JPEG image.
None Code Example
saveAsPNG | fileName, exportServer | 'chart.png', '' | ||||||||||||||||||
Exports the chart's content as PNG image.
None Code Example
saveAsPDF | fileName, exportServer | 'chart.pdf', '' | ||||||||||||||||||
Exports the chart's content as PDF.
None Code Example
showSerie | groupIndex, serieIndex, itemIndex | None | ||||||||||||||||||
Shows a hidden chart serie. The result of calling this function is same as
None Code Example
showToolTip | groupIndex, serieIndex, itemIndex, showDelay, hideDelay | None | ||||||||||||||||||
Note: Please, include jqxchart.api.js in order to access this API function.
update | None | None | ||||||||||||||||||
Updates the values of the chart series without full refresh of the entire chart. The method should be used for animation of frequently changing values. See the live updates example in the product demo.
None Code Example
Try it: update the jqxChart.