
Styling and Appearance

jQWidgets uses a pair of css files - jqx.base.css and jqx.[theme name].css. The base stylesheet creates the styles related to the widget's layout like margin, padding, border-width, position. The second css file applies the widget's colors and backgrounds. The jqx.base.css should be included before the second CSS file.

Below is the list of CSS classes used by jqxDockingLayout.
  • jqx-docking-layout - applied to the jqxDockingLayout.
  • jqx-layout - applied to the jqxDockingLayout.
  • jqx-widget - applied to the jqxDockingLayout.
  • jqx-widget-content - applied to the jqxDockingLayout.
  • jqx-rc-all - applied to the jqxDockingLayout.
  • jqx-layout-group-root - applied to the root layout group.
  • jqx-layout-group-default - applied to layout groups.
  • jqx-layout-group-document - applied to document groups.
  • jqx-layout-group-tabbed - applied to tabbed groups.
  • jqx-layout-group-auto-hide - applied to auto hide groups.
  • jqx-layout-group-auto-hide-content-horizontal - applied to the content sections of horizontally-aligned auto hide groups.
  • jqx-layout-group-auto-hide-content-vertical - applied to the content sections of vertically-aligned auto hide groups.
  • jqx-docking-layout-group-floating - applied to float groups.
  • jqx-layout-pseudo-window - applied to pseudo-jqxWindows in tabbed and auto hide groups.
  • jqx-layout-pseudo-window-header - applied to pseudo-jqxWindow headers.
  • jqx-layout-pseudo-window-title - applied to pseudo-jqxWindow titles.
  • jqx-layout-pseudo-window-pin-icon - applied to pseudo-jqxWindow pin icons.
  • jqx-layout-pseudo-window-pinned-icon - applied to pseudo-jqxWindow unpin icons.
  • jqx-layout-pseudo-window-close-icon - applied to pseudo-jqxWindow close icons.
  • jqx-layout-pseudo-window-content - applied to pseudo-jqxWindow content sections.
  • jqx-layout-resize-feedback - applied to the horizontal and vertical resize feedbacks.
  • jqx-layout-resize-feedback-horizontal - applied to the horizontal resize feedback.
  • jqx-layout-resize-feedback-vertical - applied to the vertical resize feedback.
  • jqx-layout-resize-feedback-warning - applied to the resize feedbacks when a minimum width has been reached.
  • jqx-docking-layout-overlay - applied to the overlay with squares which appears when a float group is dragged (drag overlay).
  • jqx-docking-layout-overlay-square - applied to the squares in the drag overlay.
  • jqx-docking-layout-square-disabled - applied to squares in the drag overlay to indicate a drop operation is not allowed.
  • jqx-docking-layout-overlay-inner-square - applied to the inner, dialog-resembling, squares in the drag overlay.
  • jqx-docking-layout-overlay-inner-square-header - applied to the header of the drag overlay inner squares and the "mini windows" of edge squares.
  • jqx-docking-layout-overlay-inner-square-content - applied to the content of the drag overlay inner squares and the "mini windows" of edge squares.
  • jqx-docking-layout-overlay-highlight - applied to the highlighted part of the content of the drag overlay inner squares.
  • jqx-docking-layout-drop-overlay - applied to the overlay which appears when a float group is about to be docked.
  • jqx-docking-layout-overlay-square-edge - applied to the squares which appear at the left, right, top and bottom of the widget when a float group is dragged.
  • jqx-docking-layout-overlay-mini-window-edge-horizontal - applied to the inner, dialog-resembling, squares in the left and right edge squares.
  • jqx-docking-layout-overlay-mini-window-edge-vertical - applied to the inner, dialog-resembling, squares in the top and bottom edge squares.
  • jqx-docking-layout-overlay-inner-square-content-horizontal - applied to the content of the "mini windows" of the left and right edge squares.
  • jqx-docking-layout-overlay-inner-square-content-vertical - applied to the content of the "mini windows" of the top and bottom edge squares.
  • jqx-docking-layout-overlay-square-edge-arrow - applied to the arrows of the edge squares.
When you create a custom style with colors and backgrounds for jqxDockingLayout, you need to do the following:
  • Add the above CSS classes related to jqxDockingLayout
  • After each CSS class, add your theme name.
    For example:
  • To apply your custom style to jqxDockingLayout, you need to set its 'theme' property (option) to point to your theme name string:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
    // the 'layout' JSON array defines the internal structure of the docking layout
    var layout = [{
    type: 'layoutGroup',
    orientation: 'horizontal',
    items: [{
    type: 'autoHideGroup',
    alignment: 'left',
    width: 80,
    unpinnedWidth: 200,
    items: [{
    type: 'layoutPanel',
    title: 'Toolbox',
    contentContainer: 'ToolboxPanel'
    }, {
    type: 'layoutPanel',
    title: 'Help',
    contentContainer: 'HelpPanel'
    }, {
    type: 'layoutGroup',
    orientation: 'vertical',
    width: 500,
    items: [{
    type: 'documentGroup',
    height: 400,
    minHeight: 200,
    items: [{
    type: 'documentPanel',
    title: 'Document 1',
    contentContainer: 'Document1Panel'
    }, {
    type: 'documentPanel',
    title: 'Document 2',
    contentContainer: 'Document2Panel'
    }, {
    type: 'tabbedGroup',
    height: 200,
    pinnedHeight: 30,
    items: [{
    type: 'layoutPanel',
    title: 'Error List',
    contentContainer: 'ErrorListPanel'
    }, {
    type: 'tabbedGroup',
    width: 220,
    minWidth: 200,
    items: [{
    type: 'layoutPanel',
    title: 'Solution Explorer',
    contentContainer: 'SolutionExplorerPanel'
    }, {
    type: 'layoutPanel',
    title: 'Properties',
    contentContainer: 'PropertiesPanel'
    }, {
    type: 'floatGroup',
    width: 500,
    height: 200,
    position: {
    x: 350,
    y: 250
    items: [{
    type: 'layoutPanel',
    title: 'Output',
    contentContainer: 'OutputPanel'
    $('#jqxDockingLayout').jqxDockingLayout({ theme: 'energyblue', width: 800, height: 600, layout: layout });
  • The sample below demonstrates how to set the 'energyblue' theme to jqxDockingLayout:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    <title>jQuery Docking Layout Styling Sample</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../jqwidgets/styles/jqx.base.css" type="text/css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../jqwidgets/styles/jqx.energyblue.css" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
    width: 200px;
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../scripts/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../jqwidgets/jqxcore.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../jqwidgets/jqxribbon.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../jqwidgets/jqxwindow.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../jqwidgets/jqxlayout.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../jqwidgets/jqxdockinglayout.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
    // the 'layout' JSON array defines the internal structure of the docking layout
    var layout = [{
    type: 'layoutGroup',
    orientation: 'horizontal',
    items: [{
    type: 'autoHideGroup',
    alignment: 'left',
    width: 80,
    unpinnedWidth: 200,
    items: [{
    type: 'layoutPanel',
    title: 'Toolbox',
    contentContainer: 'ToolboxPanel'
    }, {
    type: 'layoutPanel',
    title: 'Help',
    contentContainer: 'HelpPanel'
    }, {
    type: 'layoutGroup',
    orientation: 'vertical',
    width: 400,
    items: [{
    type: 'documentGroup',
    height: 400,
    minHeight: 200,
    items: [{
    type: 'documentPanel',
    title: 'Document 1',
    contentContainer: 'Document1Panel'
    }, {
    type: 'documentPanel',
    title: 'Document 2',
    contentContainer: 'Document2Panel'
    }, {
    type: 'tabbedGroup',
    height: 200,
    pinnedHeight: 30,
    items: [{
    type: 'layoutPanel',
    title: 'Error List',
    contentContainer: 'ErrorListPanel'
    }, {
    type: 'tabbedGroup',
    width: 220,
    minWidth: 200,
    items: [{
    type: 'layoutPanel',
    title: 'Solution Explorer',
    contentContainer: 'SolutionExplorerPanel'
    }, {
    type: 'layoutPanel',
    title: 'Properties',
    contentContainer: 'PropertiesPanel'
    }, {
    type: 'floatGroup',
    width: 200,
    height: 200,
    position: {
    x: 150,
    y: 150
    items: [{
    type: 'layoutPanel',
    title: 'Output',
    contentContainer: 'OutputPanel'
    $('#jqxDockingLayout').jqxDockingLayout({ theme: 'energyblue', width: 700, height: 600, layout: layout });
    <script async src=""></script><script>window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}gtag('js', new Date());gtag('config', 'G-2FX5PV9DNT');</script></head>
    <div id="jqxDockingLayout">
    <div data-container="ToolboxPanel">
    List of tools</div>
    <div data-container="HelpPanel">
    Help topics</div>
    <div data-container="Document1Panel">
    Document 1 content</div>
    <div data-container="Document2Panel">
    Document 2 content</div>
    <!--bottom tabbedGroup-->
    <div data-container="ErrorListPanel">
    List of errors</div>
    <!--right tabbedGroup-->
    <div data-container="SolutionExplorerPanel">
    Solution structure</div>
    <div data-container="PropertiesPanel">
    List of properties</div>
    <div data-container="OutputPanel">