Name | Type | Default | ||||||
disabled | Boolean | false | ||||||
Enables or disables the jqxTextArea. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: disabled is set to true
displayMember | String | '' | ||||||
Sets or gets the displayMember of the Items. The displayMember specifies the name of an object property to display. The name is contained in the collection specified by the 'source' property. Code example
Set the
Get the
dropDownWidth | Number/String | null | ||||||
Sets or gets the jqxTextArea's dropdown (pop-up) width. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: dropDownWidth is set to 300
height | Number/String | null | ||||||
Sets or gets the jqxTextArea's height. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: height is set to 100
items | Number | 8 | ||||||
Sets or gets the maximum number of items to display in the popup menu. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: items is set to 10
maxLength | Number | null | ||||||
Sets or gets the maximum character length of the textarea. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: maxLength is set to 10
minLength | Number | 1 | ||||||
Sets or gets the minimum character length needed before triggering auto-complete suggestions. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: minLength is set to 1
opened | Boolean | false | ||||||
Gets a value indicating whether the auto-suggest popup is opened. Code example
Get the
Try it: get
the value of opened
placeHolder | String | '' | ||||||
Sets or gets the textarea's placeholder. Code example
Set the
Get the
popupZIndex | Number | 20000 | ||||||
Sets or gets the auto-suggest popup's z-index. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: popupZIndex is set to 99999
query | String | '' | ||||||
Determines the textarea's query. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: query is set to item
renderer | function | null | ||||||
Enables you to update the textarea's value, after a selection from the auto-complete popup. Code example
Set the
roundedCorners | Boolean | true | ||||||
Enables or disables the rounded corners functionality. This property setting has effect in browsers which support CSS border-radius. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: roundedCorners
is set to false
rtl | Boolean | false | ||||||
Sets or gets a value indicating whether widget's elements are aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: rtl is set to true
scrollBarSize | Number | 15 | ||||||
Sets or gets the size of the scrollbar. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: scrollBarSize is set to 20
searchMode | String | 'default' | ||||||
Sets or gets the search mode. When the user types into the textarea, the widget tries to find the searched item using the entered text and the selected search mode. Possible Values:
Code example
Set the
Get the
source | Array, function | [] | ||||||
Sets the widget's data source. The 'source' function is passed two arguments, the textarea's value and a callback function. The 'source' function may be used synchronously by returning an array of items or asynchronously via the callback. Code example
Initialize a jqxTextArea with the
Try it: source is set to a custom array
theme | String | '' | ||||||
Sets the widget's theme. jQWidgets uses a pair of css files - jqx.base.css and jqx.[theme name].css. The base stylesheet creates the styles related to the widget's layout like margin, padding, border-width, position. The second css file applies the widget's colors and backgrounds. The jqx.base.css should be included before the second CSS file. In order to set a theme, you need to do the following:
Try it: theme is set to 'energyblue'
valueMember | String | '' | ||||||
Sets or gets the valueMember of the Items. The valueMember specifies the name of an object property to set as a 'value' of the list items. The name is contained in the collection specified by the 'source' property. Code example
Set the
Get the
width | Number/String | null | ||||||
Sets or gets the jqxTextArea's width. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: width is set to 150
Events |
change | Event | |||||||
This event is triggered when the value is changed. Code examples
Bind to the
close | Event | |||||||
This event is triggered when the auto-suggest popup is closed. Code examples
Bind to the
open | Event | |||||||
This event is triggered when the auto-suggest popup is opened. Code examples
Bind to the
select | Event | |||||||
This event is triggered when an item is selected from the auto-suggest popup. Code examples
Bind to the
Methods |
destroy | Method | |||||||
Destroys the widget.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: destroys the jqxTextArea
focus | Method | |||||||
Focuses the widget.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: focuses the jqxTextArea
refresh | Method | |||||||
Refreshes the widget.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: refreshes the jqxTextArea
render | Method | |||||||
Renders the widget.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: renders the jqxTextArea
selectAll | Method | |||||||
Selects the text in the textarea.
None Code examples
Invoke the
val | Method | |||||||
Sets or gets the value.
String Code examples
Get the
Set the
Try it: sets the jqxTextArea value