Name | Type | Default | ||||||
delay | Number | 50 | ||||||
Specifies the interval between two Click events. This property is available only in the jqxRepeatButton. The jqxRepeatButton raises Click events repeatedly when the button is pressed. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: delay is set to 50
disabled | Boolean | false | ||||||
Enables or disables the button. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: disable is set to true
height | Number/String | null | ||||||
Sets or gets the button's height. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: height is set to '40px'
imgSrc | String | "" | ||||||
Sets or gets the button's image source. Code examples
Set the
Get the
imgWidth | Number | 16 | ||||||
Sets or gets the button's image width. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: imgWidth is set to 16
imgHeight | Number | 16 | ||||||
Sets or gets the button's image height. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: imgHeight is set to 16
imgPosition | String | "center" | ||||||
Sets or gets the button's image position. Possible values: "left", "top", "center", "bottom", "right", "topLeft", "bottomLeft", "topRight", "bottomRight". Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: imgPosition is set to "left"
roundedCorners | String | 'jqx-rc-all' | ||||||
Enables or disables the rounded corners functionality. This property setting has effect in browsers which support CSS border-radius. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: roundedCorners is set to 'all'
rtl | Boolean | false | ||||||
Sets or gets a value indicating whether widget's elements are aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: rtl is set to true
textPosition | String | "" | ||||||
Sets or gets the button's text position. Possible values: "left", "top", "center", "bottom", "right", "topLeft", "bottomLeft", "topRight", "bottomRight". Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: textPosition is set to "left"
textImageRelation | String | "overlay" | ||||||
Sets or gets the button's text image relation. Possible values: "imageBeforeText", "imageAboveText", "textAboveImage", "textBeforeImage" and "overlay". Code examples
Set the
Get the
theme | String | '' | ||||||
Sets the widget's theme. jQWidgets uses a pair of css files - jqx.base.css and jqx.[theme name].css. The base stylesheet creates the styles related to the widget's layout like margin, padding, border-width, position. The second css file applies the widget's colors and backgrounds. The jqx.base.css should be included before the second CSS file. In order to set a theme, you need to do the following:
Try it: theme is set to 'energyblue'
template | String | 'default' | ||||||
Determines the button's template as an alternative of the default styles. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: template is set to 'success'
toggled | Boolean | false | ||||||
Sets or gets the button's toggle state. ( available in jqxToggleButton ). Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: toggled is set to true
width | Number/String | null | ||||||
Sets ot gets the button's width. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: width is set to '240px'
value | String | "" | ||||||
Sets or gets the button's value. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: value is set to "Button"
Events |
click | Event | |||||||
This event is triggered when the button is clicked. Code examples
Bind to the
Methods |
check | Method | |||||||
Checks the button. ( available in jqxToggleButton ).
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: check the button
destroy | Method | |||||||
Destroys the widget.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: destroys the button
focus | Method | |||||||
Focuses the widget.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: focus the button
render | Method | |||||||
Renders the widget.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: render the button
toggle | Method | |||||||
Toggles the button's checked state. ( available in jqxToggleButton ).
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: toggle the button
unCheck | Method | |||||||
Unchecks the button. ( available in jqxToggleButton ).
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: uncheck the button
val | Method | |||||||
Sets or gets the value.
String Code example
Invoke the
// Get the value using jQuery's val()
// Set value.
// Set value using jQuery's val().
Try it: invoke the val method
Name | Type | Default | ||||||
checked | Boolean | false | ||||||
Sets or gets the check state. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: checked is set to true
disabled | Boolean | false | ||||||
Sets or gets whether the switch button is disabled. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: disabled is set to true
height | Number/String | null | ||||||
Sets or gets the height. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: height is set to 30
orientation | String | 'horizontal' | ||||||
Determines the jqxSwitchButton's orientation. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: orientation is set to 'vertical'
onLabel | String | 'On' | ||||||
Sets or gets the string displayed when the button is checked. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: onLabel is set to 'On'
offLabel | String | 'Off' | ||||||
Sets or gets the string displayed when the button is unchecked. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: offLabel is set to 'Off'
thumbSize | String | '40%' | ||||||
Sets or gets the size of the thumb in percentages. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: thumbSize is set to '30%'
width | Number/String | null | ||||||
Sets or gets the width. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: width is set to 80
Events |
checked | Event | |||||||
This event is triggered when the switch button is checked. Code examples
Bind to the
change | Event | |||||||
This event is triggered when the switch button's state changes from one state to another. Code examples
Bind to the
unchecked | Event | |||||||
This event is triggered when the switch button is unchecked. Code examples
Bind to the
Methods |
check | Method | |||||||
Checks the button.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: checks the jqxSwitchButton
disable | Method | |||||||
Disables the switch button.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: disable the jqxSwitchButton
enable | Method | |||||||
Enables the switch button.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: enables the jqxSwitchButton
toggle | Method | |||||||
Toggles the check state. This method is automatically called when the user clicks the switch button.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: toggles the jqxSwitchButton
uncheck | Method | |||||||
Unchecks the button.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: unchecks the jqxSwitchButton
val | Method | |||||||
Sets or gets the value.
Boolean Code example
Invoke the
// Get the value using jQuery's val()
// Set value.
// Set value using jQuery's val().
Name | Type | Default | ||||||
animationType | String | 'slide' | ||||||
Sets or gets the type of the animation. Possible Values:
Code exampleSet the animationType property
Get the
Try it: animationType is set to 'fade'
autoOpen | Boolean | false | ||||||
Sets or gets whether the DropDown is automatically opened when the mouse cursor is moved over the widget. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: autoOpen is set to true
closeDelay | Number | 400 | ||||||
Sets or gets the delay of the 'close' animation. Code exampleSet the closeDelay property
Get the
Try it: closeDelay is set to 2000
disabled | Boolean | false | ||||||
Enables or disables the dropDownButton. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: disabled is set to true
dropDownHorizontalAlignment | String | 'left' | ||||||
Sets or gets the DropDown's alignment. Possible values:
Code example
Get the
dropDownVerticalAlignment | String | 'bottom' | ||||||
Sets or gets the DropDown's alignment. Possible Values:
Code example
Get the
enableBrowserBoundsDetection | Boolean | false | ||||||
When this property is set to true, the popup may open above the button, if there's not enough available space below the button. Code example
Set the
Get the
height | Number/String | null | ||||||
Sets or gets the button's height. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: height is set to 19
initContent | Function | null | ||||||
Sets a function which initializes the button's content. Code examples
Set the
Try it: initContent is set
openDelay | Number | 350 | ||||||
Sets or gets the delay of the 'open' animation. Code exampleSet the
Get the
Try it: openDelay is set to 2000
popupZIndex | Number | 20000 | ||||||
Sets or gets the popup's z-index. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: popupZIndex is set to 999999
rtl | Boolean | false | ||||||
Sets or gets a value indicating whether widget's elements are aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: rtl is set to true
template | String | 'default' | ||||||
Determines the template as an alternative of the default styles. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: template is set to 'success'
theme | String | '' | ||||||
Sets the widget's theme. jQWidgets uses a pair of css files - jqx.base.css and jqx.[theme name].css. The base stylesheet creates the styles related to the widget's layout like margin, padding, border-width, position. The second css file applies the widget's colors and backgrounds. The jqx.base.css should be included before the second CSS file. In order to set a theme, you need to do the following:
Try it: theme is set to 'energyblue'
width | Number/String | null | ||||||
Sets or gets the button's width. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: width is set to 150
Events |
close | Event | |||||||
This event is triggered when the button's popup is closed. Code examples
Bind to the
open | Event | |||||||
This event is triggered when the button's popup is opened. Code examples
Bind to the
Methods |
close | Method | |||||||
Hides the button's content.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: closes the jqxDropDownButton
destroy | Method | |||||||
Destroys the widget.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: destroys the jqxDropDownButton
focus | Method | |||||||
Focuses the widget.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: focuses the jqxDropDownButton
getContent | Method | |||||||
Gets the button's content. The returned value is the button's content set through the "setContent" method.
Object - jQuery object. Code examples
Invoke the
isOpened | Method | |||||||
Returns true, if the drop down is opened. Otherwise returns false.
Boolean Code example
Invoke the
open | Method | |||||||
Shows the button's content.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: opens the jqxDropDownButton
setContent | Method | |||||||
Sets the button's content. The parameter could be a "string" or "html".
None Code examples
Invoke the
Name | Type | Default | ||||||
disabled | Boolean | false | ||||||
Enables or disables the jqxButtonGroup. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: disabled is set to true
enableHover | Boolean | false | ||||||
Enables or disabled the highlight state. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: enableHover is set to false
mode | String | 'default' | ||||||
Sets or gets the jqxButtonGroup's mode. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: mode is set to 'radio'
rtl | Boolean | false | ||||||
Sets or gets a value indicating whether widget's elements are aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: rtl is set to true
template | String | 'default' | ||||||
Determines the template as an alternative of the default styles. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: template is set to 'success'
theme | String | '' | ||||||
Sets the widget's theme. jQWidgets uses a pair of css files - jqx.base.css and jqx.[theme name].css. The base stylesheet creates the styles related to the widget's layout like margin, padding, border-width, position. The second css file applies the widget's colors and backgrounds. The jqx.base.css should be included before the second CSS file. In order to set a theme, you need to do the following:
Try it: theme is set to 'energyblue'
Events |
buttonclick | Event | |||||||
This event is triggered when a button is clicked. Code examples
Bind to the
selected | Event | |||||||
This event is triggered when a button is selected - in checkboxes or radio buttons mode. Code examples
Bind to the
unselected | Event | |||||||
This event is triggered when a button is unselected - in checkbox or radio buttons mode. Code examples
Bind to the
Methods |
disableAt | Method | |||||||
Disables a button at specific index.
None Code examples
Invoke the
disable | Method | |||||||
Disables jqxButtonGroup.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: disables the ButtonGroup
destroy | Method | |||||||
Destroys the widget.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: destroys the buttonGroup
enable | Method | |||||||
Enables the jqxButtonGroup.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: enables the ButtonGroup
enableAt | Method | |||||||
Enables a button at specific index.
None Code examples
Invoke the
focus | Method | |||||||
Focuses the widget.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: focus the buttonGroup
getSelection | Method | |||||||
Gets the index or indexes of the selected button(s).
Number/Array Code examples
Invoke the
render | Method | |||||||
Renders the widget.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: render the buttonGroup
setSelection | Method | |||||||
Selects a button in checkbox or radio buttons mode
None Code examples
Invoke the