Name | Type | Default |
orientationChangeEnabled | Boolean | true |
Indicates whether the orientationchange event is enabled. Code examples
Set the
Get the
swipeMin | Number | 50 |
Defines the minimum swipe distance required by the plugin. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: swipeMin is set to 20
swipeMax | Number | 500 |
Defines the maximum swipe distance. After it is passed the propagation of the touch event will be restored, therefore the scrolling will be available. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: swipeMax is set to 200
swipeDelay | Number | 1000 |
The swipe delay. After it is passed swipe event won't be fired. Code examples
ISet the
Get the
Try it: swipeDelay is set to 2000
tapHoldDelay | Number | 750 |
The taphold delay. If this delay is passed then taphold event will be fired. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: tapHoldDelay is set to 1000
Events |
orientationchange | Event | |
This event is triggered when the device's orientation is changed. Code examples
Bind to the
swipe | Event | |
This event is triggered when the user swipes left, right, up or down. Code examplesBind to the swipe event by type: jqxTouch.
swipeleft | Event | |
This event is triggered when the user swipes left. Code examples
Bind to the swipe
swiperight | Event | |
This event is triggered when the user swipes right. Code examples
Bind to the
swipetop | Event | |
This event is triggered when the user swipes top. Code examples
Bind to the
swipebottom | Event | |
This event is triggered when the user swipes bottom. Code examples
Bind to the
tap | Event | |
This event is triggered when the user taps an element. Code examples
Bind to the
taphold | Event | |
This event is triggered when the user taps an element and holds a specific amount of time specified by the 'tapHoldDelay' property. Code examples
Bind to the