Name | Type | Default |
animationDuration | Number | 400 |
Sets or gets jqxGauge's animation duration [ms]. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: animationDuration is set to 3000
border | Object | { size: '10%', style: { stroke: '#cccccc'}, visible: true, showGradient: true } |
Sets or gets the gauge's properties for it's border. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
caption | Object | { value: '', position: 'bottom', offset: [0, 0], visible: true } |
Sets or gets the gauge's properties for it's caption. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
cap | Object | { size: '4%', style: { fill: 'theme-specific-color', stroke: 'theme-specific-color' } , visible: true } |
Sets or gets the gauge's properties for it's cap. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
colorScheme | String | 'scheme01' |
Sets the gauge's color pallete. jqxGauge suppports 11 color schemes from 'scheme01' to 'scheme11'. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: colorScheme is set to 'scheme01'
disabled | Boolean | false |
Sets or gets whether the jqxGauge is disabled. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: disabled is set to true
easing | String | linear |
Sets or gets jqxGauge's animation easing. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: easing is set to 'easeInOutSine'
endAngle | Number | 270 |
Sets or gets gauge's endAngle. This property specifies the end of the gauge's scale and is measured in degrees. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: endAngle is set to 250
height | Number | 350 |
Sets or gets the gauge's height. This property accepts size in pixels and percentage. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: height is set to 400
int64 | Boolean | false |
Enables the jqxGauge 64-bit number support. Note: If this property is set to true, the properties value, min, max, ranges.startValue, ranges.endValue, ticksMinor.interval, ticksMajor.interval and labels.interval should be set to string values. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: int64
is set to true
labels | Object | { distance: '38%', position: 'none', interval: 20, offset: [0, -10], visible: true, formatValue: function (value) { return value; }} |
Sets or gets the gauge's properties for it's labels. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
min | Number | 0 |
Sets or gets gauge's minimum value. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: min is set to 10
max | Number | 220 |
Sets or gets jqxGauge's max value. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: max is set to 210
pointer | Object | { pointerType: 'default', style: { fill: 'theme-specific-color', stroke: 'theme-specific-color' }, length: '70%', width: '2%', visible: true } |
Sets or gets the gauge's properties for it's pointer. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
radius | Number | '50%' |
Sets or gets gauge's radius. This property accepts size in pixels and percentage. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: radius is set to 400
ranges | Array | [] |
This property is array of objects. Each object is different range. The range is colored area with specified size. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: ranges is set to a custom array
startAngle | Number | 30 |
Sets or gets gauge's startAngle. This property specifies the beggining of the gauge's scale and is measured in degrees. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: startAngle is set to 40
showRanges | Boolean | true |
This property indicates whether the gauge's ranges will be visible. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: showRanges is set to false
style | Object | { fill: '#ffffff', stroke: '#ffffff' } |
Sets or gets the gauge's style. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: style is set to a custom object
ticksMajor | Object | { size: '10%', interval: 5, style: { stroke: '#898989'}, visible: true } |
Sets or gets the gauge's properties for it's major ticks. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
ticksMinor | Object | { size: '10%', interval: 5, style: { stroke: '#898989'}, visible: true } |
Sets or gets the gauge's properties for it's minor ticks. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
ticksDistance | Number | '20%" |
Sets and gets the ticks position. This property can be specified using percents (between '0%' and '100%') or using pixels. If the ticksRadius is '0%' this will position the ticks in the outer border of the gauge and if it's '100%' ticks will be positioned near the center. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: ticksDistance is set to '50%'
value | Number | 0 |
Sets or gets gauge's value. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: value is set to 100
width | Number | 350 |
Sets or gets the gauge's width. This property accepts size in pixels and percentage. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: width is set to 300
Name | Arguments | |
valueChanging | Object | |
The event is is triggered when the gauge's value is changing. Code examples
Bind to the
valueChanged | Object | |
The event is is triggered when the gauge's value is changed. Code examples
Bind to the
Name | Arguments | Return Value | ||||||
disable | None | None | ||||||
This method disables the gauge.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: disables the jqxGauge.
enable | None | None | ||||||
This method enables the gauge.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: enables the jqxGauge.
val | Method | |||||||
Sets or gets the value.
Number Code example
Invoke the
// Get the value using jQuery's val()
// Set value.
// Set value using jQuery's val().
Try it: sets new value in the jqxGauge.
Name | Type | Default |
animationDuration | Number | 1000 |
Sets or gets jqxLinearGauge's animation duration [ms]. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: animationDuration is set to 3000
background | Object | { borderRadius: 15, style: { stroke: '#cccccc', fill: 'default-gradient'}, visible: true, backgroundType: 'roundedRectangle', showGradient: true } |
Sets or gets the gauge's properties for it's background. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
colorScheme | String | 'scheme01' |
Sets the gauge's color pallete. jqxLinearGauge suppports 11 color schemes from 'scheme01' to 'scheme11'. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: colorScheme is set to 'scheme06'
disabled | Boolean | false |
Sets or gets whether the jqxLinearGauge is disabled. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: disabled is set to true
easing | String | 'linear' |
Sets or gets jqxLinearGauge's animation easing. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: easing is set to 'easeInQuad'
height | Number | 300 |
Sets or gets the gauge's height. This property accepts size in pixels and percentage. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: height is set to 300
int64 | Boolean | false |
Enables the jqxLinearGauge 64-bit number support. Note: If this property is set to true, the properties value, min, max, ranges.startValue, ranges.endValue, ticksMinor.interval, ticksMajor.interval and labels.interval should be set to string values. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: int64
is set to true
labels | Object | { position: 'both', interval: 20, offset: 0, visible: true, formatValue: function (value, position) { return value; }} |
Sets or gets the gauge's properties for it's labels. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
min | Number | -60 |
Sets or gets gauge's minimum value. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: min is set to 0
max | Number | 40 |
Sets or gets jqxLinearGauge's max value. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: max is set to 70
orientation | String | 'vertical' |
Sets or gets jqxLineaerGauge's orientation. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
pointer | Object | { pointerType: 'default', style: { fill: 'theme-specific-color', stroke: 'theme-specific-color' }, size: '7%', visible: true, offset: 0 } |
Sets or gets the gauge's properties for it's pointer. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
rangesOffset | Number | 0 |
Sets or gets ranges offset from the ticks. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: rangesOffset is set to 2
rangeSize | Number/String | '5%' |
Sets or gets the size of the ranges. This property can be set in percentage or in pixels. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: rangeSize is set to '7%'
ranges | Array | [] |
This property is array from objects. Each object is different range. The range is colored area with specified size. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: ranges is set to a custom array
showRanges | Boolean | true |
This property indicates whether the gauge's ranges will be visible. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: showRanges is set to false
scaleStyle | Object | { stroke: '#A1A1A1', 'stroke-width': 1 } |
Sets or gets the style of the line connecting all the ticks. Code examples
Set the
Get the
scaleLength | Number/String | '90%' |
Sets or gets the length of the scale. This property could be set in percentage or in pixels. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: scaleLength is set to '80%'
ticksOffset | Array | ['36%', '5%'] |
Sets or gets the offset of the ticks. The first element of the array is the left offset and the second one is the top offset. This property can be set in pixels or percentage. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: ticksOffset is set to [50,10]
ticksPosition | String | 'both' |
Sets or gets jqxLineaerGauge's ticks position. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: ticksPosition is set to 'far'
ticksMinor | Object | { size: '10%', interval: 5, style: { stroke: '#A1A1A1', 'stroke-width': 1 }, visible: true } |
Sets or gets the gauge's properties for it's minor ticks. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
ticksMajor | Object | { size: '10%', interval: 5, style: { stroke: '#A1A1A1', 'stroke-width': 1 }, visible: true } |
Sets or gets the gauge's properties for it's major ticks. Possible Values:
Code examples
Set the
Get the
value | Number | -50 |
Sets or gets gauge's value. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: value is set to 50
width | Number | 100 |
Sets or gets the gauge's width. This property accepts size in pixels and percentage. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: width is set to 100
Name | Arguments | |
valueChanging | Object | |
The event is raised when the gauge's value is changing. Code examples
Bind to the
valueChanged | Object | |
The event is raised when the gauge's value is changed. Code examples
Bind to the
Name | Arguments | Return Value | ||||||
disable | None | None | ||||||
This method disables the gauge.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: disables the jqxLinearGauge.
enable | None | None | ||||||
This method enables the gauge.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: enables the jqxLinearGauge.
val | Method | |||||||
Sets or gets the value.
Number Code example
Invoke the
// Get the value using jQuery's val()
// Set value.
// Set value using jQuery's val().