Name | Type | Default | |||||||||
alterTextCase | String | 'none' | |||||||||
Sets or gets the alterTextCase property used to specify the field by which tags should be sorted.
Set the
Get the
disabled | Boolean | false | |||||||||
Enables or disables the ability to follow tag links in jqxTagCloud. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: disabled is set to true
displayLimit | Integer | null | |||||||||
Sets or gets the displayLimit property used to filter highest values tags up to the number specified.
Set the
Get the
Try it: displayLimit is set to 3
displayMember | String | 'label' | |||||||||
Sets or gets the field name used for the tag label. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: displayMember is set to 'name'
displayValue | Boolean | false | |||||||||
Sets or gets the displayValue property used to specify whether to add the tag value field after the text.
Set the
Get the
Try it: displayValue is set to true
fontSizeUnit | String | 'px' | |||||||||
Sets or gets the fontSizeUnit property used to set the font size unit possible values 'px', 'em', '%'
Set the
Get the
Try it: fontSizeUnit is set to 'em'
height | Number/String | null | |||||||||
Sets or gets the jqxTagCloud's height. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: height is set to 50
maxColor | Color String | null | |||||||||
Sets or gets the maxColor property used to specify color of the tags for the elements with highest value attribute.
Set the
Get the
Try it: maxColor is set to 'darkgreen'
maxFontSize | Integer | 24 | |||||||||
Sets or gets the maxFontSize property used to set the font size of the tags with the highest value attribute.
Set the
Get the
Try it: maxFontSize is set to 5
maxValueToDisplay | Integer | 0 | |||||||||
Sets or gets the maxValueToDisplay property used to filter tags with value higher than the specified.
Set the
Get the
Try it: maxValueToDisplay is set to 50
minColor | Color String | null | |||||||||
Sets or gets the minColor property used to specify color of the tags for the elements with lowest value attribute.
Set the
Get the
Try it: minColor is set to 'lime'
minFontSize | Integer | 10 | |||||||||
Sets or gets the minFontSize property used to set the font size of the tags with the lowest value attribute.
Set the
Get the
Try it: minFontSize is set to 1
minValueToDisplay | Integer | 0 | |||||||||
Sets or gets the minValueToDisplay property used to filter tags with value lower than the specified.
Set the
Get the
Try it: minValueToDisplay is set to 30
rtl | Boolean | false | |||||||||
Sets or gets a value indicating whether widget's elements are aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: rtl is set to true
sortBy | String | 'none' | |||||||||
Sets or gets the sortBy property used to specify the field by which tags should be sorted.
Set the
Get the
Try it: sortBy is set to 'label'
sortOrder | String | 'ascending' | |||||||||
Sets or gets the sortOrder property used to specify the direction in which tags should be sorted.
Set the
Get the
Try it: sortOrder is set to 'descending'
source | Object | {} | |||||||||
(requires jqxdata.js) The source object represents a set of key/value pairs. url: A string containing the URL to which the request is sent. data: Data to be sent to the server. localdata: data array or data string pointing to a local data source. datatype: the data's type. Possible values: 'xml', 'json', 'jsonp', 'tsv', 'csv', 'local', 'array', 'observablearray'. type: The type of request to make ("POST" or "GET"), default is "GET". id: A string containing the Id data field. root: A string describing where the data begins and all other loops begin from this element. record: A string describing the information for a particular record.
Try it: jqxTagCloud with data source
tagRenderer | function | null | |||||||||
A callback function used for custom tags rendering. function tagRenderer (itemData, minValue, valueRange) itemData - the record information of the current tag minValue - the lowest value attribute of all elements in the cloud valueRange - the difference between the lowest and highest value attributes in the cloud ( can be used for custom logic ) The function must return valid content for an anchor tag, usually a string but can be also be a jquery element object.
Set the
takeTopWeightedItems | Boolean | false | |||||||||
Sets or gets the takeTopWeightedItems property. Property indicates if displayLimit will prioritize highest value members
Set the
Get the
textColor | Color String | null | |||||||||
Sets or gets the textColor property used to specify color of the tags in the case where the minColor and maxColor properties are not set.
Set the
Get the
Try it: textColor is set to 'red'
urlBase | String | '' | |||||||||
Sets or gets the field name used for common base URL path for all tags. Code examples
Set the
Get the
urlMember | String | 'url' | |||||||||
Sets or gets the field name used by the anchor element. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: urlMember is set to "url"
valueMember | String | 'value' | |||||||||
Sets or gets the field name used for value/weight. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: valueMember is set to 'rating'
width | Number/String | null | |||||||||
Sets or gets the jqxTagCloud's width. Code examples
Set the
Get the
Try it: width is set to 600
Events |
bindingComplete | Event | ||||||||||
This event is triggered when the widget has completed binding to a dataAdapter. Code examples
Bind to the
itemClick | Event | ||||||||||
This event is triggered when a tag element is clicked. Event Arguments:
Code examples
Bind to the
Try it: Bind to the itemClick event
Methods |
destroy | Method | ||||||||||
Calls the widget's destroy function.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Try it: destroy widget
findTagIndex | Method | ||||||||||
Returns the index of the first tag with the specified label (displayMember).
Number Code examples
Get index of a tag with label 'USA' with
Try it: Get tagIndex by label
getHiddenTagsList | Method | ||||||||||
Returns an array with indices of all hidden tags.
Array Code examples
Get hidden indices with
Try it: Get hidden list
getRenderedTags | Method | ||||||||||
Returns an array with a copy of all tags that have been rendered in the order that they have been rendered.
Array Code examples
Get rendered tags list with
Try it: Get rendered tags list
getTagsList | Method | ||||||||||
Returns an array with a copy of all tags.
Array Code examples
Get all tags list with
Try it: Get all tags list
hideItem | Method | ||||||||||
Hides an element with specified index.
None Code examples
Hide the the first visible record of the cloud with
Try it: hideItem example
insertAt | Method | ||||||||||
Inserts an element before an element with specified index
None Code examples
Add an item at the front of the cloud with
Try it: insertAt example
removeAt | Method | ||||||||||
Deletes an element with specified index.
None Code examples
Delete the the first visible record of the cloud with
Try it: removeAt example
updateAt | Method | ||||||||||
Updates an element with specified index.
None Code examples
Update the the first visible record of the cloud with
Try it: updateAt example
showItem | Method | ||||||||||
Reveals a hidden element with specified index.
None Code examples
Reveal the the last hidden record of the cloud with
Try it: showItem example