Properties |
change | boolean | ||||||||||
Sets or gets the change function. It is called when a value is changed and the changed item is passed as parameter. The item argument has the following properties: enabled: boolean, encode: boolean, label: string, value: string, cssClass: string and checked: boolean. Code example:
disabled | boolean | false | |||||||||
Sets or gets whether the CheckBoxGroup is disabled. Code example:disabled is set to true
items | [] | [] | |||||||||
Sets or gets the items. Each item could be a string or an object. The object has the following properties: enabled: boolean, encode: boolean, label: string, value: string, cssClass: string and checked: boolean. Code example:Sets or gets the items
value | [] | [] | |||||||||
Sets or gets the value array. This property determines the checked item(s). Code example:Sets or gets the value
layout | string | vertical | |||||||||
Sets or gets the items layout. It can be 'horizontal' or 'vertical'. Code example:Sets or gets the layout property.
labelPosition | string | after | |||||||||
Sets or gets the items label position. It can be 'before' or 'after'. Code example:Sets or gets the labelPosition property.
rtl | boolean | false | |||||||||
Sets or gets a value indicating whether widget's elements are aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. Code example:rtl is set to true
theme | string | '' | |||||||||
Sets the widget's theme.
Code example:theme is set to 'material'
Events |
Methods |
getValue | Method | ||||||||||
Gets the value.
Return Value [] |
getValueAt | Method | ||||||||||
Gets an item value at index.
Return Value string |
enableAt | Method | ||||||||||
Enables an item at index.
Return Value None |
disableAt | Method | ||||||||||
Disables an item at index.
Return Value None |
checkAt | Method | ||||||||||
Checks an item at index.
Return Value None |
uncheckAt | Method | ||||||||||
Unchecks an item at index.
Return Value None |
uncheckAll | Method | ||||||||||
Unchecks all items.
Return Value None |
checkValue | Method | ||||||||||
Checks an item by value.
Return Value None |
uncheckValue | Method | ||||||||||
Unchecks an item by value.
Return Value None |
disable | Method | ||||||||||
Disables the CheckBoxGroup.
Return Value None |
destroy | Method | ||||||||||
Destroys the widget. Code examplesInvoke the
Return Value None |
enable | Method | ||||||||||
Enables the CheckBoxGroup.
Return Value None |
render | Method | ||||||||||
Renders the widget. Code examplesInvoke the
Return Value None |
val | Method | ||||||||||
Sets or gets the value.
Return Value [] |