Javascript/jQuery UI Widgets
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jqxTabs comes with two built-in animation effects, content and selection animations. When the content animation is activated, and the user selects a new tab, the tabs content is displayed with 'fade' animation. The selection animation is another animation effect which is also activated when the user selects a new tab. In that effect, the selection is smoothly moved from the currently selected tab to the new tab.
jqxTabs allows you to navigate through all Tab items by using the keyboard arrow keys. Keyboard navigation is perfect for application scenarios where accessibility is an important factor.
With jqxTabs, you can easily change the order of the tabs by dragging a tab from one position and dropping it into another. The feature can be activated by setting the widget's reorder property to true.
In the following image, the user drags the 'Active Server Pages' tab.
In the following image, the 'Active Server Pages' tab is already dropped to its new position.
jqxTabs comes with built-in scrolling capabilities. Scroll buttons are automatically
displayed when there is not enough available space for all tabs, You can also change
the scroll buttons position to 'left' or 'right'.