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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Lists ComboBox ComboBox Categories Dinamically

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Nicolas PIRON 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • ComboBox Categories Dinamically #51862

    Deneb Asecas

    Hello, Sorry to bother you again.

    I have seen that it is possible to place a combobox categories, as is shown in the example:


    And using a source like this:

    var source = [
    // Business & Investing
    {html: “<div tabIndex=0 style=’padding: 1px;’><div>Title: Do the Work</div><div>Author: Steven Pressfield</div></div>”, label: “Do the Work”, group: “Business & Investing” },
    { html: “<div tabIndex=0 style=’padding: 1px;’><div>Title: Think and Grow Rich</div><div>Author: Napoleon Hill</div></div>”, label: “Think and Grow Rich”, group: “Business & Investing” },
    { html: “<div tabIndex=0 style=’padding: 1px;’><div>Title: The Toyota Way to Continuous…</div><div>Author: Jeffrey K. Liker</div></div>”, label: “The Toyota Way to Continuous…”, group: “Business & Investing” },
    { html: “<div tabIndex=0 style=’padding: 1px;’><div>Title: Redesigning Leadership </div><div>Author: John Maeda</div></div>”, label: “Redesigning Leadership “, group: “Business & Investing” },
    // Computer & Internet Books
    {html: “<div tabIndex=0 style=’padding: 1px;’><div>Title: MacBook Pro Portable Genius</div><div>Author: Brad Miser</div></div>”, label: “MacBook Pro Portable Genius”, group: “Computer & Internet Books” },
    { html: “<div tabIndex=0 style=’padding: 1px;’><div>Title: Social Media Metrics Secrets</div><div>Author: John Lovett</div></div>”, label: “Social Media Metrics Secrets”, group: “Computer & Internet Books” },
    { html: “<div tabIndex=0 style=’padding: 1px;’><div>Title: iPad 2: The Missing Manual</div><div>Author: J D Biersdorfer J.D</div></div>”, label: “iPad 2: The Missing Manual”, group: “Computer & Internet Books” },
    // History
    {html: “<div tabIndex=0 style=’padding: 1px;’><div>Lincoln and His Admirals</div><div>Author:Craig L. Symonds</div></div>”, label: “Lincoln and His Admirals”, group: “History” },
    { html: “<div tabIndex=0 style=’padding: 1px;’><div>The Dogs of War: 1861</div><div>Author:Emory M. Thomas</div></div>”, label: “The Dogs of War: 1861”, group: “History” },
    { html: “<div tabIndex=0 style=’padding: 1px;’><div>Cleopatra: A Life</div><div>Author:Stacy Schiff</div></div>”, label: “Cleopatra: A Life”, group: “History” },
    { html: “<div tabIndex=0 style=’padding: 1px;’><div>Mother Teresa: A Biography</div><div>Author:Meg Greene</div></div>”, label: “Mother Teresa: A Biography”, group: “History” },
    { html: “<div tabIndex=0 style=’padding: 1px;’><div>The Federalist Papers</div><div>Author:John Jay</div></div>”, label: “The Federalist Papers”, group: “History” },

    My question is how can I put the categories in a combobox when I bring the data from the database with AJAX?, so, I’m using this function

    “$ (” # jqxComboBox “) function jqxComboBox (‘addItem’, {label: ‘Text’ value: ‘Id’}).” to load the data to the combobox.

    There is no way to load the categories to a combobox dynamically? or how can I use categories when I use yhe function additem…

    ComboBox Categories Dinamically #51887

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Deneb Asecas,

    When you add an item, you can also set the item’s group member, not only its label and value. By doing that, it would be placed in a category/group.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    ComboBox Categories Dinamically #52192

    Deneb Asecas

    Could you do me an example of this group member when I add an Item like this: “$ (” # jqxComboBox “) function jqxComboBox (‘addItem’, {label: ‘Text’ value: ‘Id’}).”?

    ComboBox Categories Dinamically #52196

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Deneb,

    Here’s the required example: http://jsfiddle.net/8NHDq/1/

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    ComboBox Categories Dinamically #52347

    Deneb Asecas

    OK, I do not know what I am doing wrong. But it did not work to me. I am doing this… Could you see an error?

    PD: I am bringing the data from data base

    cat_stock2 = jQuery(“#combobox_cat_stock_mod”).jqxComboBox({ placeHolder: “Seleccione…”,
    selectedIndex: 0,
    autoOpen: false,
    width: ‘98%’,
    height: ’20px’,
    theme: ” });

    //Load data from database (PGSQL)
    data: ‘caso=list_elements’,
    url: ‘m_configuracion.php’,
    type: ‘POST’,
    success: function (response) {
    //DB result
    var resultado = eval(response);
    //First element of the combobox
    var source = [];
    source[0] = {value: “sgm_seleccione”, label: “Seleccione…”, group: “test 1″};

    if((resultado != null) && (resultado != ”)){
    for(var i = 0; i < resultado.length; i++){
    document.getElementById(‘aux_texto_html’).innerHTML = resultado[i].desc_tipo_estado;
    source[i+1] = {value: resultado[i].id_tipo_estado,
    label: document.getElementById(‘aux_texto_html’).innerHTML,
    group: “test 2”};
    cat_stock2.jqxComboBox({source: source});
    cat_stock2.jqxComboBox({selectedIndex: 0});
    error: function(xhr, errorString, exception) {
    alert(“ERROR: Estado xhr=”+xhr.status+” Mensaje=”+errorString+” exception=”+exception);

    ComboBox Categories Dinamically #52356

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Deneb,

    Unfortunatley, we are unable to test the code snippet. Could you provide a small sample and please use http://jsfiddle.net/ for that purpose.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    ComboBox Categories Dinamically #61742

    Nicolas PIRON


    I want to continue the topic because I can’t create groups dynamically.

    This group concept is really interesting,

    Only groups created at the initialization works
    Is it a choice?


    thank you in advance

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