Angular 8 is here! The new major release of Angular is here and jQWidgets UI Components are ready for Angular 8. This Angular release improves application startup time on modern browsers, provides new APIs for tapping into the CLI, and … Continue reading →
What’s Fixed: – Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the ensurerowvisible method when grouping is enabled. – Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the keyboard navigation and selection when grouping is enabled. – Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the … Continue reading →
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ANGULAR, Angular 2, angular 4, angular 5, Angular 6, ANGULAR GRID, Angular5, angular7, angular8, ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxTree, PHP, Pivot Grid, React, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS, typescript, VUE, VUEJS
angular, angular grid, bug fixes, chart, column menu, DateTimeInput, grid, jquery grid, menu, number input, react, react tsx, release, scheduler, textarea, ts, typescript, vue, vue grid, vuejs, web components, webpack
jQWidgets v6.2.0 Release, December-04-2018 What’s New: – Angular Modules for all components – jqwidgets-ng folder. What’s Improved: – When the Grid calls the DataAdapter’s sort function, it now passes an additional third parameter which contains all sort columns and sort … Continue reading →
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ANGULAR, Angular 2, angular 4, angular 5, Angular 6, ANGULAR GRID, angular tree, Angular5, angular7, angular8, AngularJS, ASP .NET, ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers, ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers, ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers, Chart, custom elements, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxButton, jqxCalendar, jqxChart, jqxCheckBox, jqxComboBox, jqxDateTimeInput, jqxDock, jqxDropDownList, jqxExpander, jqxGrid, jqxInput, jqxListBox, jqxMaskedInput, jqxMenu, jqxNavigationBar, jqxNumberInput, jqxProgressBar, jqxRadioButton, jqxRating, jqxResponse, jqxRibbon, jqxScrollBar, jqxSlider, jqxSplitter, jqxTooltip, jqxTree, jqxTreeMap, jqxValidator, jqxWindow, PHP, Pivot Grid, React, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS, typescript, Uncategorized, VUE, VUEJS
angular, angular modules, angularjs,, tag helpers, aspnetcore, bootstrap, jQWidgets, react, react js, reactjs, vue, vue.js
StackBlitz We are happy to announce the integration of the jQWidgets Angular demos with one amazing tool, called StackBlitz. For those of you not familiar with it, StackBlitz is an online IDE for web applications, powered by Visual Studio Code. … Continue reading →
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ANGULAR, Angular 2, angular 4, angular 5, Angular 6, ANGULAR GRID, angular tree, Angular5, angular7, angular8
angular, angular 6, angular 7, angular 8, angular7, stackblitz
This is a maintenance release including the following updates: What’s Fixed: – Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the columns rendering when everpresentrow and showfilterrow are enabled. – Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the multi-column sorting when the Grid … Continue reading →
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ANGULAR, Angular 2, angular 4, angular 5, Angular 6, ANGULAR GRID, Angular5, angular7, angular8, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets
angular, angular chart, angular grid, angular grid component, JavaScript, javascript grid, jQuery, jquery grid, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets
The latest version comes with the following changes: What’s Improved: – jqxGrid Adaptive rendering. Filter dialog is rendered differently on small screens when adaptive mode is turned on. What’s Fixed: – Fixed an issue in jqxNumberInput when promptChart is set … Continue reading →
Posted in:
ANGULAR, Angular 2, angular 4, angular 5, Angular 6, ANGULAR GRID, angular tree, Angular5, angular7, angular8, AngularJS, ASP .NET, ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers, ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers, ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers, Chart, custom elements, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxButton, jqxCalendar, jqxChart, jqxCheckBox, jqxComboBox, jqxDateTimeInput, jqxDock, jqxDropDownList, jqxExpander, jqxGrid, jqxInput, jqxListBox, jqxMaskedInput, jqxMenu, jqxNavigationBar, jqxNumberInput, jqxProgressBar, jqxRadioButton, jqxRating, jqxResponse, jqxRibbon, jqxScrollBar, jqxSlider, jqxSplitter, jqxTabs, jqxTooltip, jqxTree, jqxTreeMap, jqxValidator, jqxWindow, PHP, Pivot Grid, React, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS, typescript
angular, angular 6, angular 7, angular 8, angular8, ComboBox, dataadapter, DateTimeInput, form, grid, input, jQWidgets, reactjs, tree
In this blog we are going to show you our Accordion component for Angular. The Accordion component represents a list of items that can be expanded. It includes a header part and a content part where the items are situated. … Continue reading →
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ANGULAR, Angular 2, angular 4, angular 5, Angular 6
angular, angular 8, angular accordion, angular accordion component, angular components, angular7, angular9
We prepared a new tutorial about how to run Unit Tests with Angular CLI along with the Angular Components by jQWidgets.. It is available on: Angular Unit Testing
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ANGULAR, Angular 2, angular 4, angular 5, Angular 6, ANGULAR GRID, Angular5, AngularJS
angular, angular components, angular jquery, angular qa, angular testing, angular tests, angular unit testing, angular unit tests, jasmine, jasmine test, karma, karma testing
The next video tutorial is about using the Angular Dynamic Components functionality along with jQWidgets. Dynamic Components with Angular and jQWidgets We hope you will find it useful.
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ANGULAR, Angular 2, angular 4, angular 5, Angular 6, ANGULAR GRID
angular, angular 6, angular 7, angular 8, angular dynamic components, angular with jqwidgets
Our Team prepared a QuickStart video about using jQWidgets with Angular. The tutorial is based on our Angular CLI help documentation topic and shows you how to use Angular CLI along with our Angular components. At the end of the … Continue reading →
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ANGULAR, Angular 2, angular 4, angular 5, Angular 6, ANGULAR GRID, Angular5, AngularJS
angular, angular project, angular quickstart, angular tutorial, angular video, angular6