React UI Components Documentation
Typescript React Layout Component
This tutorial will show you the basics of how to get started with the jQWidgets Layout React Component.
Refer to Getting Started with React before you start with this help topic.
I. Imports:
import * as React from 'react'; import 'jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets/styles/jqx.base.css';import 'jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets/styles/jqx.material-purple.css';import JqxLayout, { ILayoutProps } from 'jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets-react-tsx/jqxlayout';
II. Class:
class App extends React.PureComponent<{}, ILayoutProps> { constructor(props: {}) { super(props); this.state = { width: '100%' // Other Widget Props } } render() { return ( <JqxLayout width={this.state.width} height={"100%"} ..... /> ) }}
III. Render:
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
The event names in React are constructed of the original event names starting with capital letter plus on upfront:
class App extends React.PureComponent<{}, ILayoutProps> { constructor(props: {}) { super(props); this.state = { width: '100%' // Other Widget Props } } render() { return ( <JqxLayout onNameOfEvent={this.handleEvent} width={this.state.width} height={"100%"} ..... /> ) } private handleEvent(e: Event): void { // Do Something ... }}
Methods & Properties
This is how you call methods & props:
Every component have a method setOptions which accepts a object as an argument. This object contains component settings.
Every component also have a method getOptions which returns the value of the requested option.
Layout API
API Reference of the jQWidgets Layout React Component: Layout API
Layout Demos
Demos Reference of the jQwidgets Layout React Component: Layout Demos