
First Name
Last Name
StevenBuchananSales Manager
LauraCallahanInside Sales Coordinator
NancyDavolioSales Representative
AnneDodsworthSales Representative
AndrewFullerVice President, Sales
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Orders by Employee

Employee Name
Ship Name
Ship Address
Ship City
Ship Country
Shipped Date
Vins et alcools Chevalier59 rue de l'AbbayeReimsFrance7/16/1996
Chop-suey ChineseHauptstr. 31BernSwitzerland7/23/1996
White Clover Markets1029 - 12th Ave. S.SeattleUSA8/9/1996
Blondel père et fils24, place KléberStrasbourgFrance9/10/1996
Wartian HerkkuTorikatu 38OuluFinland10/18/1996
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