Keyboard Navigation in Tree Grid Custom Element.
- Left Arrow key - on an expanded record, collapses the record.
- Left Arrow key - on a collapsed or end record moves focus to the record's parent.
- Right Arrow key - on a collapsed record expands the record.
- Right Arrow key - on an expanded record, moves to the first child record, or does nothing on an end record.
- Up Arrow key is pressed - Selects the row above.
- Down Arrow key is pressed - Selects the row below.
- Page Up/Down is pressed - Navigate Up or Down with one page.
- Home/End is pressed - Navigate to the first or last row on the current page.
- Enter key is pressed - Saves the Edited Row.
- Esc key is pressed - Closes all Editors and Cancels the changes.
- F2 key is pressed - Enters edit mode for the currently selected row.
- Shift+Arrow key extends the selection.
- Shift extends the selection when an end user clicks on a row.
- Ctrl key is pressed - extends the selection when an end user clicks on a row.
- Space key is pressed - Checks/Unchecks the selected record(s).