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December 21, 2015 at 6:12 am in reply to: Calendar Icon for DropDownList Calendar Icon for DropDownList #79560
Any update on this please
Any update on this please
Perfect, this is to my expectation.
Thanks for the Help Hristo Hristov.I feel much helpful if this case is also addressed.
Above demo works fine only when complete tree is expanded, if we do not expand this is not to the expectation. Can you please do the selection of first child by expanding only first parent level instead of complete tree.Thanks for the response, this made my work little better.
December 18, 2015 at 8:30 am in reply to: Calendar Icon for DropDownList Calendar Icon for DropDownList #79493Thanks,
I had already seen this demo and would not suffice my requirement. In the demo what you have suggested has icon for all dropdown items, but my actual requirement is for a dropdown item “Date Range” i need to have a calendar icon(not at left), where on selection of that calendar icon a menu should be opened where i can choose date range.
Thanks this has worked.
But i need to check the currentItem.level == 1 or not, if my child is at level 2 then this does not work.
So can i know weather the current item is leaf/child or not. If i know the currentitem is child then i can select that item.Thanks
Ok let me be more clear.
I will be loading a tree where data required for tree will be built at server and sent to client.
Now my requirement is to select first child of the tree by default. How can i achieve this.In the previous demo what you have suggested has static data and selection is done based upon the id (“government”) which is known child. But in my case the data from server will be dynamic.
Thanks for your help Hristo Hristov.
In the demo i see selection is done based on the id(“government”) which is known. In my case i have a client-server call where i dont know what is the id to be used to get selected.
All i need is to just select child item from the response what i receive from server through any mechanism.
December 4, 2015 at 9:42 am in reply to: Loading custom field from Json data Loading custom field from Json data #78897Thanks for the solution, it has worked properly in the given example but when i tried to integrate i am not able to load the description. I am able to load ID and Label but not description. I would appreciate if you can please check my code and let me know where i am wrong.
type: “GET”,
url: “getGroupsData”,
datafields: [{
name: ‘id’
}, {
name: ‘parentid’
}, {
name: ‘text’
}, {
name: ‘desc’
success: function(result) {
var gridSource = {
localdata: result,
datatype: ‘json’
var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(gridSource);
var records = dataAdapter.getRecordsHierarchy(‘id’, ‘parentid’, ‘items’, [{
name: ‘text’,
map: ‘label’
}, {
name: ‘desc’,
map: ‘value’
source: records,
width: ‘100%’,
height: ‘100%’
});$(‘#groupsTree’).on(‘select’, function(event) {
var args = event.args;
var item = $(‘#groupsTree’).jqxTree(‘getItem’, args.element);
var queryName = item.label;
var queryId = item.id;
var description = item.value;
});Response what i am getting from server is:
[{“id”:”565ea97cb9eacf176d2a84da”,”parentid”:”565ea96bb9eacf176d2a84d4″,”text”:”BandWidth”},{“id”:”565e8a35b9eacf176d2a7ee8″,”parentid”:”565ea97cb9eacf176d2a84da”,”text”:”Bandwidth by Hour of Day and Direction”,”desc”:”This report shows the amount of total traffic from sources behind the devices for each hour of the day.”},{“id”:”565e8a28b9eacf176d2a7ee4″,”parentid”:”565ea97cb9eacf176d2a84da”,”text”:”Source and Destination by Direction”,”desc”:”This report provides information on the source and destination IPs segregated by direction (of the traffic) and action taken. The report also shows the count of such events and the amount of data transferred in bytes.”},{“id”:”565e8a2eb9eacf176d2a7ee7″,”parentid”:”565ea97cb9eacf176d2a84da”,”text”:”Source and Destination by Port”,”desc”:”This report provides information on the source and destination IPs segregated by port and protocol. The report also shows the count of such events and the amount of data transferred in bytes”}]
December 2, 2015 at 12:00 pm in reply to: Loading custom field from Json data Loading custom field from Json data #78791Any update on this please.
February 27, 2015 at 1:42 pm in reply to: Failed to select Today date Failed to select Today date #67807HI,
I have a requirement where i need to restrict user to select previous dates while filling a form. But in edit case of the same form i need to show selection of previous dates also.
Below is my fiddle link to check the issue: http://jsfiddle.net/yennamvinay/3UguZ/330/
In this fiddle i need to select date as 26 but it is selecting today’s date.Regards,
Vinay ReddyPeter,
As per your solution ‘getselectedcells’ is working fine but when my gird is a single cell selection then why should i call ‘getselectedcells’ instead of ‘getselectedcell’. This is more confusing.
Vinay ReddyCan i know what have you understood the question?
I had asked after clearing the selection of cell using ‘clearselection’ and if i opt ‘getselectedcell’ then previous selected cell object details are given instead i should not get any details as there is no selection because ‘clearselection’ is performed.
Please give proper resolution.
Vinay ReddyFebruary 23, 2015 at 5:48 am in reply to: How to disable pagination when there are no records. How to disable pagination when there are no records. #67458Yes i agree that In your previous post you wrote that you do not have such feature and still you do not have. But i am asking is there any example or workaround where i can achieve this, why because i cannot just leave that i don’t have feature in our product.
If there is nothing to update then please reply back as ‘we are helpless on this issue’.
YennamvinayFebruary 19, 2015 at 1:02 pm in reply to: How to disable pagination when there are no records. How to disable pagination when there are no records. #67368Is there any update on this Please…
February 17, 2015 at 5:31 am in reply to: How to disable pagination when there are no records. How to disable pagination when there are no records. #67206I know that there is no direct solution which you people must think on providing this by default.
Instead please provide any mechanism to achieve this instead of giving answer as ‘NOT THERE’