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September 14, 2017 at 1:18 pm in reply to: Pointing the description field on new event Pointing the description field on new event #96033
This example (where set “prefix” on the “Title”) was very helpfull.
Thanks a lot!Chris
Finaly I resolved it like this:
after changing theme I remove classes “jqx-fill-state-pressed-” + oldtheme, “jqx-menu-item-top-hover-“+ oldtheme
and add the classes “jqx-fill-state-pressed-” + newtheme, “jqx-menu-item-top-hover-” + newtheme;Like this it’s working for me.
You mean like:
$(‘#mainmenu’).jqxTree({ theme: ‘orange’});
var item = $(‘#mainmenu’).find(“#18”)[0];
$(“#mainmenu”).jqxTree(‘selectItem’, item);That doesn’t work. The same result as before (selected item is not refeshed)
Hi Hristo,
Thanks for your response.
I understand the 2 links you’ve postet, but I don’t think, that will help.I have a tree with 4 items, id from 0 to 3. Lets say the theme of the tree is orange.
Hover has orange background, selected has blue background.
Lets select id 3, from there I can change the tree’s theme and set it to shinyblack.
Now the items 0 – 2 have an other hover and selected background color (from the shinyblack theme). But id 3 is still “selected” and has blue background, even if I select another id from the tree.
How can I resolve this?
Do I realy have to pick up the values from css “manualy” and set the tree item id 3 to that?Chris
April 24, 2017 at 6:43 pm in reply to: renderAppointment after update appointment renderAppointment after update appointment #93100Hello!
Within the $(“#scheduler”).jqxScheduler({ … }); I have the renderAppointment: function(data) {…}, which works fine during loading the data.
In the “$(“#scheduler”).on(‘appointmentDelete’, function (event) {..}); and also in the “appointmentAdd” and “appointmentChange” -Functions I have a function, that is fireing an mysql update for the selected event. This update return a new value, what I put into the appointment-data with $(“#scheduler”).jqxScheduler(‘beginAppointmentsUpdate’);.
After the setAppointmentProperty i do a $(“#scheduler”).jqxScheduler(‘endAppointmentsUpdate’); and then the renderAppointment: function(data) {…} is not firing.
Should there be done a manual refresh or something similar?Thanks!
April 24, 2017 at 6:33 pm in reply to: Custom fields not always shown Custom fields not always shown #93099Hello,
Maybe I was not clear enough:
I load the scheduler with some events. Then I edit an existing appointment, and get the following (what’s good of course!):
Next I want to create a new appoinment, then it loos like this:
April 20, 2017 at 12:50 pm in reply to: Custom fields not always shown Custom fields not always shown #93024Hello,
well, seems to work now!
Just one more question – maybe there is another error somewhere in my code (what surely can be optimized
If my first action in the sheduler is to edit an appointment, the title of the editDialog is also edit for a new event.
If my first action is a new event, also while editing an appointment the title is new event.Thanks!
April 7, 2017 at 8:40 am in reply to: Custom fields not always shown Custom fields not always shown #92770Hello!
Pictures aren’t a problem:
Exactly my custom fields are missing on the 2nd pic.
Here is the whole code, maybe I have an error somewhere else?
I just can’t understand, that it’s not working sometimes
CodeThe includes for de JS files are missing here, this happens earlier…
Thank you!
April 5, 2017 at 9:15 am in reply to: Custom fields not always shown Custom fields not always shown #92687Hello!
I’m loading data with json and dataadapter from mysql.
Afterwards I’m doing nothing, just opening dialog for new event.
All my custom fields are created in the editDialogCreate function:editDialogCreate: function (dialog, fields, editAppointment, event) {
// hide repeat option
// hide status option
// hide timeZone option
// hide color option
fields.subjectContainer.hide();patientContainer = “<div>”;
patientContainer += “<div class=’jqx-scheduler-edit-dialog-label’>Paciente</div>”;
patientContainer += “<div class=’jqx-scheduler-edit-dialog-field’><table width=’100%’border=’0′ cellspacing=’0′ cellpadding=’0′ ><tr><td width=’90%’><div id=’patient1′></div></td><td width=’10%’ align=’right’><button id=’btn_add_kontakt’></button></td></tr></table> </div>”;
patientContainer += “</div>”;
fields.resourceContainer.prepend(patientContainer);behandlungContainer = “<div>”;
behandlungContainer += “<div class=’jqx-scheduler-edit-dialog-label’>Tratamiento</div>”;
behandlungContainer += “<div class=’jqx-scheduler-edit-dialog-field’><div id=’behandlung1′></div></div>”;
behandlungContainer += “</div>”;
fields.resourceContainer.append(behandlungContainer);printButton = $(“<button id=’btn_print’ style=’margin-left: 5px; float:right; height:25px;’>Imprimir</button>”);
printButton.jqxButton({ theme: ‘orange’, template: ‘primary’ });
printButton.click(function () {
print_cita($(“#patnam_hide”).val(),fields.from.val(),fields.to.val(), $(“#behandlung_hide”).val(), false);
});bestButton = $(“<button id=’btn_best’ style=’margin-left: 5px; float:right; height:25px;’>Confirmación</button>”);
fields.buttons.append(bestButton);bestButton.jqxButton({ theme: ‘orange’, template: ‘warning’ });
bestButton.click(function () {
print_best($(“#patid_hide”).val(), fields.from.val(), fields.to.val());
});fields.cancelButton.jqxButton({template: ‘inverse’});
fields.deleteButton.jqxButton({template: ‘danger’});
fields.saveButton.jqxButton({template: ‘success’});$(“#behandlung1”).jqxDropDownList({
SelectedIndex: -1,
source: dataAdapter_farbe,
displayMember: “behandlung_name”,
valueMember: “behandlung_id”,
width: ‘100%’,
height: 25,
placeHolder: ‘Selecionar tratamiento…’
});$(‘#behandlung1’).on(‘select’, function (event) {
placeHolder: ‘Seleccionar paciente…’,
width: ‘100%’,
height: 25,
source: dataAdapter_test,
selectedIndex: -1,
displayMember: “name”,
valueMember: “int_id”,
search: function (searchString) {
});$(“#patient1”).on(‘select’, function (event) {
imgWidth: 18,
imgHeight: 18,
height: ’25px’,
width: ’25px’,
roundedCorners: ‘all’,
imgPosition: “center”,
textPosition: “left”,
imgSrc: “images/icons/add.png”,
textImageRelation: “imageBeforeText”
});$(“#btn_add_kontakt”).on(‘click’, function () {
},New events are added inside here
$(“#scheduler”).on(‘appointmentAdd’, function (event) {
});Hi Peter!
Oh man, thanks for that hint!
It was absolutley no problem to do as I wanted with custom rendering.Regards
Hi Peter!
Sorry if it was ambiguous… I’d love to see title and description directly in the calender. Without tooltip, without clicking the event.
Happy XmasHi Peter!
Did I understand your idea in a right way?
Any plans to include this in future?Thanks!
Hi Peter,
thanks for your respond!
A div before the scheduler’s div?
If I understand your idea right, to show the additional information in an extra div, what is independent from the scheduler?
But in that case you have to “click” the (every) event, to see the description. Like this it would be easier, to open the event, the result is nearly the same, just less code, no?Thanks!
finally I could find it:
fields.cancelButton.jqxButton({template: ‘inverse’});
fields.deleteButton.jqxButton({template: ‘danger’});
fields.saveButton.jqxButton({template: ‘success’});Hello Hristo,
nothing special. I’d like, for example, to give the delete button of the normal editDialog the danger-template (just to get the button in red).
I’ve tried
$(“#scheduler”).on(‘editDialogCreate’, function(event){
and as i can see, the button has the class after, but it’s not red.
Maybe it has to be rerendered, but maybe there is an easier way somewhere in
editDialogCreate: function (dialog, fields, editAppointment) {}Thanks