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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Dialogs and Notifications Window windows load and then hide

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dimitar 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • windows load and then hide #63914


    I have defined an edit, add , delete popup window which are called by clicking on the add/edit/delete buttons in the actions column of a jqxgrid.

    everything works the way I want but there is one annoying issue.

    every time I load the page all the windows showup under the grid and once the grid is loaded they disappear. so this leads to a delay in loading the whole page and it looks weird as it shows all the jqxwindow fields and then disappears.

    windows load and then hide #63940


    Hello hk,

    You may try setting the windows’ autoOpen properties to false.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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