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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Virtual Scrollling – using Angularjs promise

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • GauravJoshi

    I am trying to implement virtual scrolling in a jqxGrid using angularJs.

    Inside the rendergridrows function, I am making a call to angularjs $http.get which returns promise and it is async. but when function gets called it finishes and it immediately returns. At this point I have nothing to return in rendergridrows. Later, when the promise is resolved, I have the data that the gird requested, but rendergridrows has already finished.

    As jqwidgets supports angularjs, can you please guide me on how can i work with promises in the grid redergridrow funtion.

    We are planning for Enterprise product and want to Use jqwidgets through-out our product but sorry to say this sounds like a blocker for us.

    Thank you.
    Gaurav Joshi

    Peter Stoev

    Hi GauravJoshi,

    The rendergridrows function expects to return Javascript Array of rows to be rendered in the Grid. Do not do anything else in that function.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team


    Thank You Peter Stoev for your answer,

    I understood that we should not use rendergridrows but then what we should use for virtual scrolling while using angularjs ?

    Thank You

    Peter Stoev

    Hi GauravJoshi,

    I never wrote that you should not use rendergridrows for virtual scrolling. You should use it, but it should return what it expects to return – Array and nothing else should be done inside the function.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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