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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Validation result of cells in jqxGrid

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dimitar 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Validation result of cells in jqxGrid #78319


    Hi Team,

    I have a question regarding the validation result of cells in jqxGrid. For example, I’ve a cell validation rule in a grid, I want to warn user and stop save action if validation result is false when I click on save button. Is there a way to get the validation result of grid in javascript? Thanks in advance.

    `$scope.gridSettings = {
    altrows : true,
    width : ‘95%’,
    sortable : false,
    selectionmode : ‘multiplerowsextended’,
    source : new $.jqx.dataAdapter({
    url : “employees/queryEmployeesList”,
    dataType : “json”,
    dataFields : [ {
    name : ’empId’,
    type : ‘String’
    }, {
    name : ’empName’,
    type : ‘string’
    columnsresize : true,
    columnsreorder : true,
    columns : [
    text : ‘<b>Emp ID</b>’,
    dataField : ’empId’,
    align : ‘center’,
    editable : false,
    width : ‘10%’
    text : ‘<b>Name</b>’,
    dataField : ’empName’,
    align : ‘center’,
    columntype : ‘textbox’,
    width : ‘25%’,
    validation : function(cell, value) {
    if (value.trim().length > 41) {
    return {
    result : false,
    message : “Name must be less than 41”
    } else if (value.trim().length == 0) {
    return {
    result : false,
    message : “Name is required”
    } else if (!isAlphaNumericSpace(value)) {
    return {
    result : false,
    message : “Employee Name allows only \’A-Z\’, \’a-z\’,\’0-9\’ and spaces”
    return true;
    } ]

    ` $scope.save = function() {
    if ( gridValidated) {
    } else {
    alert(“Please correct the input of table first”);

    Validation result of cells in jqxGrid #78344


    Hi herojj,

    Please refer to the topic Trigger Validation Check on Grid Programmatically, where this question has already been discussed.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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