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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Angular validation for dynamic columns in jqxgrid

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  shakti_singh 6 years, 11 months ago.

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  • shakti_singh

    Hi Team,

    I have created jqxgrid with dynamic column with angular-grid-dynamiccolumns
    example. Now i’m facing chalenges with adding the buttons dynamically in the end of the row.
    And for static columns we have wrote the validation their while creating the columns but here I’m not getting how to write validation.
    Please suggest me to how to achieve validation for dynamic grids.
    mainly for a pattern type of validation like (alphbetic/numeric etc).
    If you are changing the json for validation please provide the sample also.

    any help appreciated.



    Hello shakti_singh,

    1) You are trying to add dynamic columns with custom data and have button column at the end of the row always?

    2) You have trouble adding validation to dynamically added columns, but the static columns are ok?

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team


    Hi Stanislav,

    this is what I’m facing the chalenges, and I want to use dynamic column.

    1) You are trying to add dynamic columns with custom data and have button column at the end of the row always?

    2) You have trouble adding validation to dynamically added columns, but the static columns are ok?

    3) If possible can you add dropdownlist with filter option in the middle of the grid so if user want he can search within the dropdownlist.


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