jQWidgets Forums

jQuery UI Widgets Forums Layouts Docking undocked widgets stay in the page when clicking on another page

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 12 years, 8 months ago.

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  • silvana

    Hi There,

    I notice that if I leave a “window” undocked (floating in the page area), and then I click to another page, the window do not disappear….so I get a new page with the window. Is it any way that this can be modified?

    Also, the resizing window function: $(‘#dockingBottom’).jqxDocking(‘enableWindowResize’….
    only works if the window is floating so we can’t resize while been docked. Could this be available somehow?

    thanks in advance.

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Silvana,

    – jqxDocking is a client-side widget and as such, when you load another page that does not contain it, it will not be displayed. If your application loads pages with ajax, in iframes or some other approach, then you can close the Docking windows by calling the ‘closeWindow’ function.

    $('#docking').jqxDocking('closeWindow', 'windowId');

    -Docked windows are not supposed to be resizable by design. It is not possible to turn on resizing for docked windows in this version.

    Best Regards.
    Peter Stoev

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