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jQuery UI Widgets Forums General Discussions suggest a new Form Dialog UI widget

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Dimitar 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • suggest a new Form Dialog UI widget #74805


    This product is great. There are tens of UI widgets. However, I would like to suggest a new UI widget. That is a modal window which supports HTML Form to obtain the user’s input. I know that a similar one can be created using the other jqwidgets UI widgets. For example, the data table supports editing a row data in a popup dialog. However, it is not easy for developers like me who are not good in UI development to do that. I am looking for a generalized and easier to use Form Dialog widget. It will be very useful in obtaining the user’s input for many js applications.

    There are several open source UI projects which support this such as Bootbox and Bootstrap Modal. But, their appearance is inconsistent with jqx widgets’. Therefore, I would like to suggest to add such a Form Dialog widget to the product.

    Best regards,

    suggest a new Form Dialog UI widget #74810


    Hi Michael,

    Thank you for your suggestion. However, as you said, such a form dialog can be implemented using existing widgets. For example, one can be seen in the jqxGrid demo Popup Editing when you click on the “Edit” buttons. If you need help implementing your own version of the form dialog, we would be glad to assist you.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    suggest a new Form Dialog UI widget #76259


    In the add/edit dialog I need additional columns but i dont want them to be listed.Is it possible.


    suggest a new Form Dialog UI widget #76289


    Hi lavanya.k,

    Yes, this is possible, you only need to set the column property hidden to true for the columns you wish not to be listed, e.g.:

    columns: [{
        text: 'Ship Name',
        datafield: 'ShipName',
        width: 250
    }, {
        text: 'Shipped Date',
        datafield: 'ShippedDate',
        width: 230,
        cellsformat: 'D'
    }, {
        text: 'Freight',
        datafield: 'Freight',
        width: 130,
        cellsformat: 'F2',
        cellsalign: 'right',
        hidden: true
    }, {
        text: 'Ship Address',
        datafield: 'ShipAddress',
        width: 350,
        hidden: true

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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