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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Lists DropDownList selectbox change select by selecting list item

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  AceDZN 13 years ago.

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  • AceDZN

    Hi There,
    I want to change the selected item in the selectbox when I select an item from the DropDownList.
    is this possible?

    Peter Stoev

    Hi alex,

    You can subcribe to the ‘select’ event and set the ‘Selected’ attribute of the specific selectbox item depending on the jqxDropDownList’s selected index.

    Code example:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
    var theme = getTheme();
    var source = [];
    var i = 0;
    $.each($("#country").children(), function (k, v) {
    var code = $(v).attr('code');
    var html = "<div>";
    html += "<div style='margin-top: 1px;font-size: 13px'>";
    html += $(v).text() + "</div></div>";
    code = $(v).attr('code');
    source[i++] = { 'html': html, 'title': $(v).text(), 'code': code };
    $("#jqxDropDownList").jqxDropDownList({ source: source, selectedIndex: 0, width: '230', height: '25px' });
    $("#jqxDropDownList").bind('select', function (event) {
    if (event.args) {
    var args = event.args;
    // select the item in the 'select' tag.
    var index = args.item.index;
    $("#country").find('option').eq(index).attr("selected", "true");
    <div style='float: left; width: 500px;' id='jqxWidget'>
    <div style='float: left;' id='jqxDropDownList'>
    <div style='float: left;' id='Select'>
    <select style='height: 250px; width: 200px; margin-left: 30px;' size='2' id='country'>
    <option code="myCode">Brazil</option>
    <option>United States</option>

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team


    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘index’ of undefined

    Peter Stoev

    Could you please paste here your page’s code, so I can debug it?

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    Peter Stoev

    Sorry, I had an issue in the code I pasted you. The selection code should look like below:

           $("#jqxDropDownList").bind('select', function (event) {
    if (event.args) {
    var args = event.args;
    // select the item in the 'select' tag.
    var index = args.index;
    $("#country").find('option').eq(index).attr("selected", "true");

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team


    Thank You Very Much – it’s working…


    here is another thing with this: I want to get the selectbox’s selected item to be the first at the DropDownListBox
    this is the code I’ve used:

    var index = $("#language")[0].selectedIndex;
    $("#languagea").jqxDropDownList({ width: '230px', height: '25px', scrollBarSize:'2', autoDropDownHeight: true, selectedIndex: index });
    $("#languagea").jqxDropDownList('loadFromSelect', 'language');
    $("#languagea").jqxDropDownList('selectedIndex', '0');
    $("#languagea").bind('select', function (event) {
    if (event.args) {
    var args = event.args;
    // select the item in the 'select' tag.
    var index = args.index;
    $("#language").find('option').eq(index).attr("selected", "true");


    oh, nevermind I saw Now mine mistake:
    ( $(“#languagea”).jqxDropDownList(‘selectedIndex’, ‘0’); need to be deleted)

    here is the final code:

    var index = $("#language")[0].selectedIndex;
    $("#languagea").jqxDropDownList({ width: '230px', height: '25px', scrollBarSize:'2', autoDropDownHeight: true, selectedIndex: index });
    $("#languagea").jqxDropDownList('loadFromSelect', 'language');
    $("#languagea").jqxDropDownList('selectedIndex', index);
    $("#languagea").bind('select', function (event) {
    if (event.args) {
    var args = event.args;
    // select the item in the 'select' tag.
    var index = args.index;
    $("#language").find('option').eq(index).attr("selected", "true");
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