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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid rowunselect is not fired when selectionmode is multiplerowsextended

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Centerbase 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Centerbase

    The ‘rowunselect’ method is not fired when selectionmode is set to ‘multiplerowsextended’

    We want to have multiple row selection but with checkboxes. Since selectionMode can have either Checkbox or MultipleSelection we are trying to show a fake checkbox that gets checked when row is selected and unchecked when row is unselected. The ‘rowselect’ method fires successfully for selected rows but the ‘rowunselect’ does not.

    Here is a JSFiddle recreating the issue.


    Hello Centerbase,

    I would like to ask you, why exactly do you want to use selectionMode multiplerowsextended instead of the checkbox.
    The code sample you provided, it seems to never go in the rowunselect function.
    You may use the code in an if statements. Check the row you have selected, and if it’s selected already, unselect it.

    Best Regards,


    The code sample you provided, it seems to never go in the rowunselect function.

    That is exactly the bug/issue I am reporting. Visibly when you multiselect rows, with dragging the mouse, the rows are highlighted and rowselect is triggered. When you select a different range the previously selected range of rows are unselected (visibly) and they SHOULD trigger rowunselect method but it doesn’t.

    It is our client’s requirement to have both checkboxes and multiselect option available in their grids. Your suggestion may work if the user was just clicking on one row to toggle checkbox. But when dragging to multi select it will fail because the user will not drag on the previously select rows, he is dragging on a new range to select.

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