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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Dialogs and Notifications Window Problem with jqxWindow and jqxDraw

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Klaus H 3 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Klaus H


    I want to display a jqxDraw element (a self generated chart) inside a jqxWindow, but I get the error message:
    Uncaught TypeError: this.renderer is undefined

    When I put the div in the body of the page it works without a problem, but when I put the div inside the jqxWindow, I always get the error. It does not matter if I instanciate the jqxDraw on the open event or manually after the windows is opened, I always get the same error.

    Setting the rendererEngine on initiation does not change the behaviour. I am using version 11.0.1.

    Best Regards
    Klaus H

    Yavor Dashev

    Hi Klaus H,

    I tested the jqxWindow with jqxDraw element inside the window but it did not reproduce the error that you encounter.

    Firstly I would suggest you to update to the latest version of jQWidgets and if that is not the case we would need a code example which reproduces this issue in order to be able to give you a solution for it.

    Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions.

    Best Regards,
    Yavor Dashev
    jQWidgets team

    Klaus H


    thank you for the quick response.

    I have tried it with the latest version shortly after I wrote you, but the effect was the same. I also tried to change the order of instanciating the jqxDraw and the jqxWindow, but that did not change anything.

    My script is quite complex and extracting the necessary portions might take some time and maybe I do not need a window after all but can hide some elements and show other elements, but maybe you could provide your working example, maybe then I see a difference. And if not I would get back to you?

    Best Regards
    Klaus H

    Klaus H


    I tried to recreate the problem with a simple example and could not reproduce the behaviour there. Then after a little thinking, I found the problem: I initialized the div of the window with “display: none” so even before the code to create the jqxWindow is executed, noone can see the elements. So my jqxDraw container is also not displayed when I initialize it and that seemd to cause the problem. 🙂

    Best Regards
    Klaus H

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