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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Lists ListBox Problem while checking if value is changed by user or programm

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  David_D 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • David_D

    I stumbled upon a little problem here and i hope you can give me a hint to solve it.

    I have 2 Listboxes. The first is a List of Tasks and the second one a list of Status’ belonging to the Tasks. When I change the Task the Status of the Task is shown to the User.

    var userselect =true;
    $("#Listview_Task").on('select', function (event) {
            userselect = false;
    		var value_TaskId = $("#Listview_Task").val();
    		//get task Status from DB
                url: "@Url.Action("get_Task_filtered")",
                type: "POST",
                data: { TaskId: JSON.stringify(value_TaskId)},
                datatype: 'json',
                success: function (result) {
                    var source = result;
                    var DB_Task = source[0]
                    $("#Listview_Status").jqxListBox('selectItem', DB_Task.Status); //doesn't trigger listbox changed event for status listbox
            userselect = true;
            //listbox for status listbox changed event triggered here

    The User can change the Listboxstatus and wirte it to the Database to finish a task. I want to differentiate if the status is changed by code or user and therefore I use the userselect boolean.

    $("#Listview_Status").on('change', function (event) {
            var val = $("#Listview_Status").jqxListBox('val');
            if ((val == 3 || val == 4) && (userselect))
                if (confirm('finish Task?')) {
                    if ($("#Listview_Task").val() == "") {
                        alert("No Task to finish selected!");
                    else {
                       //Write new Task Status to DB

    But userselect is always true and I dont know why. Why is the Listview_Status event triggered when the listview_Task select event is finished and not earlier when I change the selected Item of Listview_Status within the Listview_Task select event?


    Hello David_D,

    Everything looks ok.
    If there is not make settings about asynchronous query. (by default)
    This row userselect = true; will be executed before triggered 'change' event of $("#Listview_Status").
    Would you try to move userselect = true; in success of the ajax

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team


    Hello Hristo,
    sorry for the late response and thanks for your help. The problem was indeed the asynchronous setting. By setting async:false in the ajax request the changed-event was triggered when desired.

    Thank you very much.

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