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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Plugins AngularJS Print data of current selected page from pagination grid.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • akash

    I’m using JQXGrid,with pagination functionality.I want to print the data which is in current page instead of printing whole data , i’m using print default functionality provided in JqxWidget.
    Currently what is happening is, when i use the default print functionality , it prints all the data of the table, rather than of the current page.
    Please provide a way on how to print data of current selected page , from pagination grid.

    Peter Stoev

    Hi akash,

    getrows returns the loaded rows in the Grid as a JavaScript Array Object. From that array, take the part which you wish to be printed as a new Array and pass it to the “exportdata” method call as parameter. For more information how to pass custom Array of rows to “exportdata”, please refer to jqxGrid’s API Documentation. Useful method for you to get the current page number and page size is “getdatainformation”.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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