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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Chart Print Charts

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 9 years ago.

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    Print Charts Posts
  • Print Charts #82290


    Good afternoon people!

    I was testing the function for printing a graphic and unfortunately I could not, and alone I think I will take millions of years to achieve fix!

    Please see if someone gives me an idea !!!

    This is the div Grafico:
    <Div id = ‘chartContainer’ style = “width: 100%; height: 550px” /> </ div>

    and this is the function to print:
    $ ( “# PrintButton”). Click (function () {
                        var content = $ ( ‘# chartContainer’) [0] .outerHTML;
                        var newWindow = window.open ( ”, ”, ‘width = 800, height = 600’),
                                document = newWindow.document.open ()
                                PageContent =
                                ‘<! DOCTYPE html>’ +
                                ‘<Html>’ +
                                ‘<Head>’ +
                                ‘<Meta charset = “utf-8″ />’ +
                                ‘<Title> Test </ title>’ +
                                ‘</ Head>’ +
                                ‘<Body>’ + content + ‘</ body> </ html>’;
                        try {
                            document.write (PageContent);
                            document.close ();
                            newWindow.print ();
                            newWindow.close ();
                        catch (error) {
                            alert (error);

    I suspect that the error may be related to how I am calling the js file and the folder that is the php file that contains the chart.

    For example:
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://mysite.com.br/folder1/folder2/folder3/jqx2/scripts/jquery-1.11.1.min.js”></script>

    however the page that contains the application is in another directory, ex:

    The most curious thing is that the components work, receive the data normally, but the print function not!

    Is this the problem, in the form of referring to the library or something else?

    Print Charts #82291



    when I use this feature,

    function getExportServer() {
    return ‘http://www.jqwidgets.com/export_server/export.php’;

    everything works perfectly, so I think the error may be the way directories are organized and how I call the files!

    least the print logically!

    Print Charts #82485


    Good Morning,

    My question is too silly for you not answer me? Please help me!

    Print Charts #82486

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Francisco,

    If you do not have the export.php, you have only the option to use the one hosted on our server. The file is only incuded in the source code packages for customers with Developer or Enterprise license.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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