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jQuery UI Widgets Forums TreeGrid pinned column with rowclick

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dimitar 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • pinned column with rowclick #71189


    i have pinned column(first column).. and i have rowclick event.. when we use horizontal scrollbars.. such that one of the column is hidden under pinned column..and click on that first pinned column cell.. datafield returns scrolled column and not the actual pinned column…

    updated demo

    steps to re-create.. first click on first column cell.. you will see correct datafield in alert..
    but then scroll to the left such that one of the column is hidden under “firstname” column…then click on “firstname” column cell.. you will see incorrect datafield.. it should be the first column ?

    how can i fix this ? there is no “cellClick” event for tree grid .. is that correct ?


    pinned column with rowclick #71207


    Hello jahnvi25,

    Thank you for your feedback. We will investigate why the reported behaviour occurs. If we confirm it as an issue, we will fix it as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the following example may be useful to you as a workaround: http://www.jqwidgets.com/community/topic/tree-grid-cell-click-event/#post-49478.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    pinned column with rowclick #71274


    Thanks for workaround.. but it does not work properly.. look at the updated demo..


    i only get the cell value.i need column title or column name..now if you un-comment last 2 event in demo (comment ready… and uncomment click and rowclick).. both together works and gives me column title..but when scrolled column is hidden behind the pinned or frozen column.. again its doing the same thing..

    pinned column with rowclick #71376


    Hi jahnvi25,

    The issue has been noted. Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, we cannot offer you anything else as a workaround.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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