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jQuery UI Widgets Forums General Discussions Page is reloaded after AJAX call

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jusmas 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Page is reloaded after AJAX call #93341



    Here I am sharing one of teh issue I am facing with my site after integration with JQXcombobox. I have a form which is declared as “<form id=”aForm” action=”#”>” . The problem is that on clicking a JQX button, I am triggering an AJAX POST call to an API. On receiving the response, it shows a JS alert message as programmed, and then after the page get reloaded. On this auto reload, the URL will look like “…..php?# “.
    This I had observed in many other situatrions too. Another observation is that in such pages, when ever you submit teh page first time every day, it reloads teh full page. Once it is realoaded, it will never auto reload on botton submissions.

    In this particular case, I have used JqxTabs in the page.

    I am unable to sort out this issue,do you see any reason for this auto reload?

    Page is reloaded after AJAX call #93343


    One more observation.
    On finishing teh button click even routine, it jumps to a jquery library and then to ‘menuslashdot.js’ In this script, it runs a function ‘function store() ” and on finishing this function page gets reloaded but without any GET parameters it has already.

    Page is reloaded after AJAX call #93344

    Peter Stoev

    Hi jusmas,

    I think this one is related more to how you put javascript on your web page, than how our javascript widget works. Our suggestion is to use the widgets as demonstrated and documented.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    Page is reloaded after AJAX call #93353


    Hi Peter,
    Thanks for teh reply.
    At last I have found teh issue.
    I missed to put — type=”button” — in button deffinition hence it was working like regular form submission.



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