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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Order jqx grid jqwidget filter conditions

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sibeesh Venu 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Order jqx grid jqwidget filter conditions #75473

    Sibeesh Venu

    I am using a JQX grid in my application. Now I need to order my filter conditions like whenever user clicks on filter icon, default filter condition must be ‘Equal’. I tried below methods. But it is not working.

    var localizationObject = {
                            filterstringcomparisonoperators: ['Equal ','Starts With', 'Ends With',  'Contains', 'Does not contain', 'Empty', 'Not Empty', 'Null'],
                            currencysymbol: "$",
                            percentsymbol: "%",
                            decimalseparator: ".",
                            thousandsseparator: ",",
                            // filter numeric comparison operators.
                            filternumericcomparisonoperators: ['less than', 'greater than'],
                            // filter date comparison operators.
                            filterdatecomparisonoperators: ['less than', 'greater than'],
                            // filter bool comparison operators.
                            filterbooleancomparisonoperators: ['equal', 'not equal']
                        //$("#jqxgrid .jqx-grid-column-header").each(function () {
                        //    $(this).jqxTooltip({ position: 'mouse', content: $(this).text() });
                        $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('localizestrings', localizationObject);


    updatefilterconditions: function (type, defaultconditions) {
                        var stringcomparisonoperators = [ 'EQUAL ','STARTS_WITH', 'ENDS_WITH', 'CONTAINS', 'DOES_NOT_CONTAIN', 'EMPTY', 'NOT_EMPTY', 'NULL'];
                        var numericcomparisonoperators = ['LESS_THAN', 'GREATER_THAN'];
                        var datecomparisonoperators = ['LESS_THAN', 'GREATER_THAN'];
                        var booleancomparisonoperators = ['EQUAL', 'NOT_EQUAL'];
                        switch (type) {
                            case 'stringfilter':
                                return stringcomparisonoperators;
                                case 'numericfilter':
                                    return numericcomparisonoperators;
                                case 'datefilter':
                                    return datecomparisonoperators;
                                case 'booleanfilter':
                                    return booleancomparisonoperators;

    When I do this, The filter condition ‘Contains is not working as expected. And also the ‘Equal’ Condition is not showing in first order. But When I place ‘Equal’ condition in the third place of localization object, I is coming in the first order but filter does not work. Please help me resolve this. Thanks in advance.

    Kindest Regards
    Sibeesh Venu

    Order jqx grid jqwidget filter conditions #75524

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Sibeesh,

    It is demonstrated on this page: http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-demo/demos/jqxgrid/filterconditions.htm?arctic how to use custom filter conditions.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    Sibeesh Venu

    I have done it by adding

    updatefilterpanel: function (filtertypedropdown1, filtertypedropdown2, filteroperatordropdown, filterinputfield1, filterinputfield2, filterbutton, clearbutton,
                     columnfilter, filtertype, filterconditions) {
                    var index1 = 0;
                    var index2 = 0;
                    filtertypedropdown1.jqxDropDownList({ autoDropDownHeight: true, selectedIndex: index1 });
                    filtertypedropdown2.jqxDropDownList({ autoDropDownHeight: true, selectedIndex: index2 });

    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Order jqx grid jqwidget filter conditions #77796

    Sibeesh Venu

    Suppose I have a grid as follows,

    source: data,
    columns: [{ “text”: “Area Code”, “dataField”: “AreaCode”, “cellsalign”: “left”, “cellsformat”: “d” }, { “text”: “Revenue”, “dataField”: “Revenue”, “cellsalign”: “right”, “cellsformat”: “c2” }],
    pageable: true,
    filterable: true,
    sortable: true,
    rendered: function () {
    var localizationobj = {};
    filterstringcomparisonoperators = [‘equal’, ’empty’, ‘not empty’, ‘contains’, ‘does not contain’, ‘starts with’, ‘ends with’, ‘null’];
    filternumericcomparisonoperators = [‘equal’, ‘not equal’, ‘less than’, ‘less than or equal’, ‘greater than’, ‘greater than or equal’, ‘null’, ‘not null’];
    filterdatecomparisonoperators = [‘equal’, ‘not equal’, ‘less than’, ‘less than or equal’, ‘greater than’, ‘greater than or equal’, ‘null’, ‘not null’];
    filterbooleancomparisonoperators = [‘equal’, ‘not equal’];

    localizationobj.filterstringcomparisonoperators = filterstringcomparisonoperators;
    localizationobj.filternumericcomparisonoperators = filternumericcomparisonoperators;
    localizationobj.filterdatecomparisonoperators = filterdatecomparisonoperators;
    localizationobj.filterbooleancomparisonoperators = filterbooleancomparisonoperators;

    // apply localization.
    $(“#jqxgrid”).jqxGrid(‘localizestrings’, localizationobj);
    updatefilterconditions: function (type, defaultconditions) {
    var stringcomparisonoperators = [‘EQUAL’, ‘EMPTY’, ‘NOT_EMPTY’, ‘CONTAINS’, ‘DOES_NOT_CONTAIN’, ‘STARTS_WITH’, ‘ENDS_WITH’, ‘NULL’];
    var numericcomparisonoperators = [‘EQUAL’, ‘NOT_EQUAL’, ‘LESS_THAN’, ‘LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL’, ‘GREATER_THAN’, ‘GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL’, ‘NULL’, ‘NOT_NULL’];
    var datecomparisonoperators = [‘EQUAL’, ‘NOT_EQUAL’, ‘LESS_THAN’, ‘LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL’, ‘GREATER_THAN’, ‘GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL’, ‘NULL’, ‘NOT_NULL’];
    var booleancomparisonoperators = [‘EQUAL’, ‘NOT_EQUAL’];
    switch (type) {
    case ‘stringfilter’:
    return stringcomparisonoperators;
    case ‘numericfilter’:
    return numericcomparisonoperators;
    case ‘datefilter’:
    return datecomparisonoperators;
    case ‘booleanfilter’:
    return booleancomparisonoperators;
    updatefilterpanel: function (filtertypedropdown1, filtertypedropdown2, filteroperatordropdown, filterinputfield1, filterinputfield2, filterbutton, clearbutton,
    columnfilter, filtertype, filterconditions) {
    var index1 = 0;
    var index2 = 0;
    filtertypedropdown1.jqxDropDownList({ autoDropDownHeight: true, selectedIndex: index1 });
    filtertypedropdown2.jqxDropDownList({ autoDropDownHeight: true, selectedIndex: index2 });

    My requirement was showing equal as the default condition in filter, So I used updatefilterpanel. But now I have selected filter ‘Contains’ and apply filter. When I click on the applied filter and check, the condition is showing ‘Equal’ Instead of ‘Contains’ . I wanted the Equal conditions to be showed if there is no filters applied to that column. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

    Kindest Regards
    Sibeesh Venu

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