Hi, I have a custom my grid column with a custom filterwidgets for the filterrow. The code:
createfilterwidget: function(column, columnElement, widget){ var listOrdered = GetOrderItemsForColumnA(); widget.jqxDropDownList({ source: listOrdered , dropDownWidth: 130 }); widget.jqxDropDownList('checkAll');}
I have done this solution to put the items ordered in the checked list. But, i needed to call the “checkAll” method to make all items checked.
But, if I do the “checkAll” method, when the user opens the jqxDropDownList and closes without checking any item, the grid raises the filter event.
Do you know how can I avoid this behavior? Can I check the items without calling the “checkAll” method when creating the jqxDropDownList? Can I avoid the filter event when the user opens the jqxDropDownList and close it without doing nothing?
Thank you!