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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid numberinput cell not working on iPad3 after upgrade to 2.9.3

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • GregLarson


    I have been using jqwidgets v. 2.7.0 and recently upgraded to v. 2.9.3 to resolve some issues with jqxGrid.

    The upgrade accomplished exactly what I needed! — EXCEPT that now the functionality of the numberinput cells is broken on iPad3 for both Safari and Chrome (all behavior is fine on other platforms / browsers I’ve tested). The configuration of the numberinput columns is like this:

    { text: ‘Check’, datafield: ‘checkAmt’, width: 60, cellsformat: ‘c2’, cellsalign: ‘right’, columntype: ‘numberinput’,
    initeditor: function (row, cellvalue, editor) {
    var currentVal = (cellvalue == null) ? 0.00 : cellvalue;
    editor.jqxNumberInput({ digits: 4, decimalDigits: 2, inputMode: ‘simple’, spinButtons: false, value: currentVal });

    The behavior I’m seeing on iPad3 when I click into a numberinput cell is:

    * The editor initializes, but does not get the cellvalue. So no matter what is in the cell, the editor shows “$0.00”.
    * The number can be edited in the cell, but the cell never changes from edit mode back to normal (it appears that the events for changing the cell value and ending edit mode are not received). If I click on a different cell or outside the grid, or hit TAB or ENTER, the numberinput cell I was editing remains in edit mode.

    I’ve tried upgrading the jQuery version from 1.8.3 to 2.0.2, but that did not resolve the issue.

    I’ve also tried changing some of the settings for editor.jqxNumberInput:
    * changed from inputMode: ‘simple’ to inputMode: ‘advanced’
    * changed from spinButtons: false to spinButtons: true
    * removed the spinButtons setting

    None of these resolved the issue either.

    Any assistance or advice is greatly appreciated!

    Many thanks,
    Greg Larson

    Peter Stoev


    Thanks for the feedback. There’s indeed an issue with the “save” behavior of the number input cells. As a temporary workaround, you may use a “textbox” editor instead. I will add a work item about the reported issue.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team


    Thank you for the prompt response and information, Peter!

    Do you know of a previous revision to 2.9.3 that did not have this issue?

    If so, is there a way for me to download and try that revision? (I only see the latest version on the Download page).

    If not, I will use the textbox editor to temporarily work around the issue as you suggest.

    Best regards,
    Greg Larson

    Peter Stoev


    Old versions are not available for download from our website.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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