jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Not Visible Columns in Grid

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  matzep94 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Not Visible Columns in Grid #46396


    In my Grid is the last column not visible
    I can select but I can’t scroll down to it with the scrollbar on the right
    Here is a Picture where you see what I mean!


    Not Visible Columns in Grid #46397


    Here Is the Grid Generation code:

    var obj = $("#" + grid_div_id).jqxGrid({
    			width : "100%",
    			height : 800,
    			source : data_adapter,
    			rowsheight : 40,
    			columnsheight : 30,
    			columnsresize : true,
    			columnsreorder : false,
    			showemptyrow: false, 
    			theme : "metro",
    			altrows : true,
    			scrollmode : "logical",
    			sortable : false,
    			columns : columns
    Not Visible Columns in Grid #46398


    Hello matzep94,

    The provided code is insufficient for us to determine the source of the issue. Please post a larger sample, including your columns settings.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    Not Visible Columns in Grid #46460


    I have found the reason why the row is cut, when I set columnsheight to 40 (= rowheight)
    the last row will not displayed in the Grid (only accessable with the selectrow method)
    When I set colunsheight to 0 – every will be displayed

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