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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Memory leak issue

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  williamtourinho 12 years ago.

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  • Memory leak issue #15395


    Hi, I am sorry to insist with the memory leak issue, but this is a real problem. I know that javascript controls the garbage collection but even with updates of 45s the memory of the browser still increasing. After 1 hour of updates (changing my 2 grids source) the browser increases his memory about 100MB. If I stop the my timer the browser never cleans the memory until I refresh the page. Could you investigate this problem?
    Thank you!

    Memory leak issue #15396

    Peter Stoev

    Hi williamtourinho,

    To release the memory associated to jqxGrid, use its ‘destroy’ method.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    Memory leak issue #15399


    Hi, using the ‘destroy’ method all text and checked items in the filterrow will disapear and takes more time to destroy the grid and creating it again than only changing the source. No other way to release the memory?
    Thank you!

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