Hi Dimitar,
not good, with 10 digits the space of 11º digit is visible, it would have to vanish
with 10 digits is thus: (11) 2222-3333_
would have to disappear “_” if 10 digits
thought about it but does not work
width: '250px',
height: '25px',
mask:'(##) ####-####[0-9]',
}).on('change', function(e){
var value = e.args.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'');
if( value < 11 ){
$("#jqxMaskedInput").jqxMaskedInput({ mask:'(##) ####-####' }); // 10 digit
$("#jqxMaskedInput").jqxMaskedInput({ mask:'(##) #-####-####' }); // 11 digit
$('#jqxMaskedInput').jqxMaskedInput('val', value);