hello if I use foreach inside the cellclass block it doesn’t work
var cellclass = function (row, column, value, rowData) {
var id = $('#Product #SUPPLIER_OWNER_ID_hdn').val();
var disableRows = new Array();
if (ElementValuesCheck(id)) {
disableRows = id.split(',');
disableRows = jQuery.makeArray(disableRows);
$(disableRows).each(function (y, n) {
if (rowData.OWNER_ID == parseInt(n)) {
return "rowError"
but it works if I don’t use foreach, what is the reason for this?
var cellclass = function (row, column, value, rowData) {
var id = $('#Product #SUPPLIER_OWNER_ID_hdn').val();
var disableRows = new Array();
if (ElementValuesCheck(id)) {
disableRows = id.split(',');
disableRows = jQuery.makeArray(disableRows);
return "rowError"