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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Editors NumberInput jqxNumberInput iPad issues

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  gaclique 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • jqxNumberInput iPad issues #47854


    There seems to be an issue with using the jqxNumberInput on iPad iOS 7 Safari.

    Issue 1 – If I use inputmode: ‘simple’ jqxall.js will error with ‘undefined’ is not an object (evaluating ‘this.items[k].canEdit’)

    Issue 2 – The event valuechanged does not trigger on iPad. I need to use this event instead of the change event but it doesn’t trigger at all on the iPad.

    We are using jqWidgets 3.1
    jquery 1.10.2
    knockout 3.0

    here’s our declaration of the control…

    <div id='creditHours' data-bind="jqxNumberInput: {value: Credits, inputMode: 'simple', spinMode: 'simple', spinButtons: true, spinButtonsStep: .25, min: 0, max: 1000, textAlign: 'right' }"></div>

    here’s the js for event binding

    $(function () {
    $('#creditHours').on('valuechanged', function (event) 
                    var creditAmt = event.args.value;
                    console.log('credit hours: ' + creditAmt);
    jqxNumberInput iPad issues #47876

    Peter Stoev

    Hi gaclique,

    1. Use the “change” event – it is raised when there is a change in the “value”.
    2. Don’t set the inputMode.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    jqxNumberInput iPad issues #47898


    The “change” event could work but it doesn’t trigger immediately until the control loses focus. We have other controls that are binding through knockout based on this value so below is the fix we implemented.

    <div class="form-group">
            <label for="creditHours">Credits</label>
            <div id='creditHours' data-bind="jqxNumberInput: {value: Credits, width: '100px', height: '40px', inputMode: numberInputType, spinMode: 'simple', spinButtons: true, spinButtonsStep: .25, min: 0 }"></div>
    var numberInputType = 'simple';
    var numberInputEvent = 'valuechanged';
    if (is_iPad_device()) {   
                numberInputType = 'textbox';
                numberInputEvent = 'change';
    $(function () {
    $('#creditHours').on(numberInputEvent, function (event) 
                    var creditAmt = event.args.value;
                    console.log('credit hours: ' + creditAmt);
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