jQWidgets Forums

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  evolvingly 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • jqxInput Auto-Complete with Categories #48776



    Fantastic library!

    Is there a standard way to get the jqxInput Autocomplete to display categories of items? This is already done with other widgets I have played with, such as the jqxComboBox and jqxDropDownList, so I was surprised not to find that feature in jqxInput.

    Apologies if I have missed something. Can I make this a feature request? Or could you please provide an example renderer function that can handle categories?

    Many thanks.

    jqxInput Auto-Complete with Categories #48783

    Peter Stoev

    Hi evolvingly,

    Categories in jqxInput are not supported. The purpose of the widget is to be as simple as possible auto-complete Text-Input. If you need more advanced Input functionality, you may consider using jqxComboBox instead.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    jqxInput Auto-Complete with Categories #48784


    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I had considered your suggestion by hiding the down arrow in the jqxComboBox using CSS, but it seemed like a messy workaround. I appreciate your idea of keeping the jqxInput simple, but “optional” features (like categories) for the jqxInput would be an extremely important addition to this great library. Even jQuery UI, and other simple libraries, have this feature.

    Sorry to take up your time, but is there a way I could use the jqxComboBox’s renderer function for the jqxInput?

    Kind Regards,

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