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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid JqxGrid server side pagination

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Dimitar 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • JqxGrid server side pagination #50487


    We are getting n number of records through Odata call through url,but we need to display data in grid on click of prevpage/nextpage should display only 250 record set on each click from server.
    We dont want to load all data at once in grid.

    JqxGrid server side pagination #50503


    Hello nitendra146,

    Please check out the PHP demo Grid Server Paging to see how to implement this functionality. You can learn more in the Server Side Paging with jqxGrid using PHP and MySQL tutorial.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    JqxGrid server side pagination #78308


    Hi ,
    since the current data load is around 3000 records, loading the complete data to Jqx grid and performing client side sorting and filtering . when the user clicks on save button , we need to persists the changes to DataBase .
    Now we want to support for more than 15000 records , so we are planning to make the pagination as serverside . Is this is suitable approach for our requirement . since this is editable grid ,if we go for server side pagination on click of next page we need to save the changes made .Ours is Banking Application and we perform lot of validations before saving the data to Database .
    Rather than saving the data on next page click , do we have any best suitable approach to deal this situations .

    JqxGrid server side pagination #78321


    Hi sairam,

    I think server-side grid processing would be a suitable in your scenario. You can implement your editing logic as shown in the help topic Build CRUD Web App with jqxGrid using PHP and MySQL.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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