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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid jqxGrid clipboardData

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stanislav 7 years ago.

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  • jqxGrid clipboardData #98857


    Hi guzs,

    I am using jqxGrid with clipboard functionalities. Everything works ok, but I am not able to get clipboardData.
    I managed to catch ctr+v event,

                    handlekeyboardnavigation: function(event)
                        var key = event.charCode ? event.charCode : event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : 0;
                        if (key == 86 && event.ctrlKey) {
                            return true;

    but how to get actual data that is in clipboard. I would like to refresh my chart after pasting a lot of data to grid.
    So far I would refresh chart on cellvaluechanged event, but it has performance issue if I am pasting bigger table (10×50).
    I would like to catch clipboard data before pasting and refresh chart after pasting data to grid.
    Hope there is a way. Thanks for the help.

    jqxGrid clipboardData #98891


    Hello atomic,

    Can you please clarify this for me?
    You want to get the clipboard data and paste it in Chart and Grid at the same time?

    If that’s it, you can start loading the data when you paste it into the grid/chart.(I mean if you paste it in the grid, for example, it loads in the chart as well).

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

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