I am attempting to implement the celleditend callback within a column definition like so…
var computers = {
source: {
{ name: 'Hostname', type: 'string' }
datatype: 'json'
{ text: 'Hostname',
datafield: 'Hostname',
width: '10%',
validation: function (cell, value) {
return valHostname(value);
cellendedit: function(event) {
console.log(event); //only returns the current row ID
var d = $('#'+grid).jqxGrid('getrowdata', event); //does not give updated cell value
As you can see from the inline comments the ‘event’ value is that of the current row ID, and the ‘getrowdata’ does not return the updated cell value when cellendedit used as a column definition vs. binding to the ‘cellendedit’ event.
I would rather not bind the the ‘cellendedit’ event if at all possible. Thanks!