I’m trying to select a specific item in the dropdown on loadcomplete, however, the dropdown populates, but doesn’t initially select anything. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Much appreciated.
var pltcSessionDropDown = function(){
var pltcSessions =
datatype: “json”,
{ name: ‘pltc_session_id’, type: ‘string’ },
{ name: ‘pltc_session_nm’, type: ‘string’ }
url: ‘includes/reports.cfc?method=pltcSessions’
var sessionDataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(pltcSessions,
loadComplete: function () {
$(“#myDropDown”).jqxDropDownList(‘selectItem’, ‘1709’);
return sessionDataAdapter
var dataAdapter = pltcSessionDropDown();
$(“#myDropDown”).jqxDropDownList({source: dataAdapter, displayMember: “pltc_session_nm”, valueMember: “pltc_session_id”, theme:’bootstrap’});