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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Navigation Menu, Context Menu Input Field Not Working With JQXMenu

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  gstockr 13 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Input Field Not Working With JQXMenu #991


    I have written the following code that it does not take any input value at all. When you try to type something, it does not take anything.

    From JS file:
    $(“#mcMenu”).jqxMenu({ width: ‘100%’, height: ’30px’, theme: theme });

    From HTML:



    Please advice whether JQXMenu has a bug with input box.


    Input Field Not Working With JQXMenu #992

    Peter Stoev

    Hi gstockr,

    Thank you for the feedback.

    Could you send us the full source code – html + javascript, that we need to reproduce the reported behavior? In your reply, you can paste the HTML code in the forum’s text area, select it and format it using the ‘Format HTML Code’ toolbar button. We will also need your jQuery version, device type(PC, Mobile), browser name and version. Please, provide step by step instructions on how to reproduce the reported issue. This should be enough for us to test and debug the issue.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    Input Field Not Working With JQXMenu #1009

    Peter Stoev


    I created a small project and demo which demonstrates how to put an input field inside a menu item.

    Demo: jqxmenuinputfields.htm
    Download Demo: jqxmenuinputfields.zip

    Please feel free to write us, if you have additional questions.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    Input Field Not Working With JQXMenu #1022



    I just replied to your email before seeing your message in this forum. I have noticed that you have added an input field into sub menu. Please read my email that I have attached the file showing the input field in the main menu bar that does not work.


    Input Field Not Working With JQXMenu #1023

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Patrick,

    Unfortunately, I do not see any attached project in your posts. Showing an input field in the Main Menu Bar is already implemented in the jqxMenu’s “Columns” demo. See the demo and its code in our samples browser: http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-demo/

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    Input Field Not Working With JQXMenu #1024



    Ok. I will try to use your demo on my PC. Maybe there is a problem with version between JQuery UI and JQXMenu and UI.Layout. I will let you know how it goes.


    Input Field Not Working With JQXMenu #1025

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Patrick,

    I will be looking forward to your reply. Btw. Our Widgets does not have any dependency on the jQuery UI. To use the jqxMenu, you need to include our stylesheets – jqx.base.css and any of the other stylesheets and only our script files: jqxmenu.js and jqxcore.js

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    Input Field Not Working With JQXMenu #1026



    Ok. I have tried your demo and it seemed to be working if I used your Version 1.1. It did not work with Version 1.0. However, your version 1.1 is using jQuery 1.6.2.min.js. I understand it is the latest version of JQuery. But this version would not work with UI.Layout. If I use jQuery-1.2.6.js, it would work with UI.Layout (issue with closing/opening panel), but not JQWidgets.

    I will try to make it work on both way, but I doubt it. Anyway, when I added jQXmenu into my HTML, i noticed it took so much space below the menu. I have other DIV below Menu bar. It is way below. I did even set the element of jQXMenu to 100% height.


    Input Field Not Working With JQXMenu #1029

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Patrick,

    I tested your project and I suggest you to place the


    after the jqxMenu initialization. I suppose that the Layout plugin does not automatically refresh itself after size changes.

    $(document).ready(function () {	
    var theme = $.data(document.body, 'theme');
    if (theme == null || theme == undefined) theme = 'darkblue';
    $("#mcMenu").jqxMenu({ width: '100%', height: '30px', theme: theme });
    var elementLogo = $('#logo');
    $("#logoToolTip").jqxTooltip({ width: 250, theme: theme, location: 'relative', horizontalOffset: 25,
    verticalOffset: 25 });
    $("#logoToolTip").jqxTooltip('add', elementLogo, 'http://www.google.com');

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    Input Field Not Working With JQXMenu #1030



    Yes, it helps. Thank you.


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